Pepperdine University Removing Christopher Columbus Statue from Campus – IOTW Report

Pepperdine University Removing Christopher Columbus Statue from Campus

Breitbart: In reaction to student demands, Pepperdine University will remove the statue of Christopher Columbus from its campus.

School president Andrew Benton said they will “relocate the statue to the Pepperdine campus in Florence, Italy.”

Benton announced the statue’s removal in a letter to students, The letter began:

In 1992 a group of men and women representing the Columbus 500 Congress presented a statue of Christopher Columbus to Pepperdine University. For years the story of Columbus and the fascinating exploration that brought him to the new world was taught in schools across America. It was heroic and exciting.  Later, as the impact of the arrival of explorers was assessed more fully, especially as those impacts related to indigenous people, a different view formed. Today, for many, including those within our campus community, stories of conquest and the art associated therewith are painful reminders of loss and human tragedy.


23 Comments on Pepperdine University Removing Christopher Columbus Statue from Campus

  1. If the snowflakes can’t stomach how our nation came to be, they should all move back to Europe. They would be welcomed. We would not miss them. They would be at peace. We would be overjoyed!

  2. This is even beyond the nazi book burnings. These people are nazis on steroids. And using the commie lie speak to accuse patriots of free speech of what they themselves are doing.

    Where do these “people” come from?

  3. And yet, those a-holes at Pepperdine are living, breathing, and prospering in this very same land that to them has such a bad history of human tragedy! You would think that their hyperactive consciences would force them to relocate to different climes and places

  4. There is nothing more effeminate and gutless than college administrators. In the teacher’s lounge they get away with referring to themselves as professionals. Outside the lounge they’d be laughed at. WAY over compensated. Can’t even stand up to worthless spoiled brat leftist kids who are dumber than Pelosi and Boxer?

  5. Dan, I’ve made the mistake of following a Sacramento FB page and am not nearly as optimistic as I have been. I convinced we will prevail but I do think things will get bloody first. Especially in California.

  6. What stupid, idiotic, brainless, self-serving people(?) who apparently have no knowledge of world history.

    It would be smarter and wiser to donate the statue to the city of Genova, the birthplace of Columbus, and not Florence (just because Pepperdrone has an outlet there?).

    Misguided liberals, and nothing will ever change their minds except, probably, death.

  7. I’m sure that over the years some of my taxes have gone to Pepperdine. Yet no one asked my opinion about moving this statue.

    Hey, little wimpy, ignorant snowflakes — history is bigger than you’ll ever be and will roll on even after you are dead and full of wiggling worms and bugs.

    Times change. Columbus will be back. You won’t. Ha ha ha.

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