Perdue Unloads On Ossof: ‘Compromised’ by China, Lied, Produced Pro-China Propaganda Film – IOTW Report

Perdue Unloads On Ossof: ‘Compromised’ by China, Lied, Produced Pro-China Propaganda Film

Democrat Georgia Senate candidate, Jon Ossoff’s production company produced a two-part ‘documenary’ report on behalf of Al Jazeera in 2015 that “praised China’s growing power and influence in Africa.”  The beginning of the propaganda film describes negative descriptions of some old colonial practices in Africa while going on at length about the greatness and power of China in Africa.  It doesn’t seem to concern itself with any of China’s human rights abuses or slave-labor working conditions, or the negative consequences for permanently indebting an entire continent to an authoritarian communist regime in return for some nice new roads and some nice new oligarchs.

But the pro-Communist Chinese Party (CCP) documentary is just a symptom of the anti-American infection in Ossoff’s soul.  Ossoff’s production company isn’t just making one pro-China documenary; it has “ties to the CCP through a state-backed media enterprise” and its CEO, Jon Ossoff is fully “compromised by the Chinese Communist Party.”

Senater David Perdue (R-GA), who is running against Ossoff in the Georgia Runoff election on January 5th, compared Ossoff to Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) and to Hunter Biden, the son of President-elect Joe Biden, who have both been linked to deep ties with CCP and foreign interests in numerous reports.  Perdue said that “Ossoff went into business with CCP-connected companies and then covered it up by not disclosing the relationship in financial disclosure forms.”  Perdue also said Ossoff committed a federal crime by failing to do so, which is requirement for candidates:

“He knowingly worked for the Chinese Communist Party for two years. He hid it from the primary voters in Georgia this year. He did not disclose it. He got caught. Then he finally disclosed it, and that’s a federal crime to not disclose it, by the way. He finally amended his filing and got caught again, then lied about it again.”

Perdue goes on to state about Ossoff: more

3 Comments on Perdue Unloads On Ossof: ‘Compromised’ by China, Lied, Produced Pro-China Propaganda Film

  1. All I see from the Ossoff team is this ad:

    “Fact checkers say David Perdue is not off the hook for insider trading.”

    “Insider trading is a crime.”

    “Perdue is the wrong choice for Georgia”

    That’s it. Over and over. It must work on NPC’s.

  2. OK I gotta say something, and it’s off topic:

    For those of you whose comments are disappearing because of the word “socialism”, know that we did NOT ban that word.
    If it is banned, it ain’t done by us. So just type the word with a space or a period in it til I can figure this shit out.


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