Perennial favorite Joey ‘Jaws’ Chestnut wins Nathan’s hot dog eating contest – 63 including bun – IOTW Report

Perennial favorite Joey ‘Jaws’ Chestnut wins Nathan’s hot dog eating contest – 63 including bun


Professional eater Joey “Jaws” Chestnut on Monday won his 15th Nathan’s hot dog eating contest, devouring 63 hot dogs and buns, according to news reports. 

Massachusetts resident Geoffrey Esper won second place by having eaten 47.5 at the annual July Fourth event on Coney Island, N.Y., according to CBS News.

Chestnut won his seventh straight on crutches. He wore a soft cast on his right foot and reportedly ruptured a tendon. 

13 Comments on Perennial favorite Joey ‘Jaws’ Chestnut wins Nathan’s hot dog eating contest – 63 including bun

  1. Only in America is there a celebration of gluttony on the 4th of July. One of these years he’s gonna go full Lardass and start a barfarama on live TV. I had a hot dog yesterday and a bowl of baked beans with hotdogs mixed in it today, that’s my limit.

  2. @Dan,
    I just saw that. It was Joey. It seems some animal rights nutcase tried to get in between Joey and a hot dog. It didn’t end well for him. And Joey still won by 20 dogs!
    I think he snapped the guy’s neck.

  3. 63!!! Holy cow. Joey Chestnut is not by any means a big fella which makes it even more amazing & a bit sickening to watch. I have had Nathan’s hot dogs many times over the years while on job sites in NYC. The most that I could ever manage was 3 & I’m 6’1 240#. I guess I will never be a contender to the throne. Probably just as well!


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