The insufferable Hollywood gossip girl Perez Hilton has been fired “from a dream job,” Pink News reports.
According to Hilton, he is too “professional” to divulge any detail on the role that he was fired from, yet he is not too professional to go on camera and begin crying because he fears for his kids’ future.
“There is a reason this happened, and I’m sorry,” Hilton declares in his cringe-worthy video.
“I’m sorry again, I guess I have to say that again more often. I’m sorry.”
According to Hilton, he may have damaged his children’s future due to his past actions.
“It will continue to be hard for me,” he claims. “And I’m sorry to my kids, because I know that when they get older they are going to have to suffer because of who their dad is.”
Hilton claimed that “everyone loved me,” in the job he was fired from, even though he “ultimately deduced” that he “was the problem.” MORE
SNIP: There’s a video at the link. You can just turn the sound off and watch him cry.
Hilton, you’re just a pussy sitting on the sidelines. Meh
Back up comes the coffee.
Coulda knocked me ovah widdah feddah!
Butt babies? Just askin …
izlamo delenda est …
This is what a proctologist looks at all day.
Evidently even his wet dream fired him!
He must have said something “sassy” about a black person. Either that, or he agreed with Damore.
This really will lead to wild speculation about what he did till he comes clean. Must be really revolting if he won’t “man” up.
He had a job? Where? I only know of his blog, and that he drew penises on people he didn’t like.
That was embarrassing all the way down to the way he wipes the tears off his face. Call me a hard-ass, but being a tender exhibitionist airing out his feelings in front of the world is not exactly the best role model for his kids.
He whines more than Mitch McCONnel, yet more emotional.
He chose to be who he is and what he has done.
Doesn’t matter what he did or said, He’ll never be clean.
. “And I’m sorry to my kids…”
I got stuck on that line for about 2 minutes. It had offspring????
THIS has offspring?
Amazing what some females will put up with for a measley 5 or 6 Billion $$$.
The money shot starts at 2:34.
Him wearing the Madonna T-shirt was funny, along with his bawling. That was entertaining.
I could watch a Muslim throw him off a rooftop of one of his grandfather’s buildings.
Over and over. In slow mo and replay. Several times.
I suppose this is why soft weakling crybully faggots are so universally despised. Especially by other faggots.
Like others here, all I that kept running through my mind was: He has kids???
oops, meant to say…all that kept….
How does one get fired from being a Cabin Boy on a Turkish Freighter?
Gah! I even started at Jerry Manderin’s money shot @2:34 and couldn’t finish watching this. What a train wreck. A very unpleasant, wet, gooey one.
What was this “dream job” he talks about. Like the others I thought it was a blog he ran. I read it a few times a number of years ago and some of it was actually pretty funny (not the drawn penis’s) and he was quite the bitch. Hadn’t heard about him in years.
I wonder if he could land a job as a taste tester for those My Pillow infomercials.
What a spineless SoS. He should run for Congress!
KIDS?!?!? What deranged morons gave kids to this imbecile? The Michael Jackson Adoption Agency?
Last I heard about him was like 2 weeks ago. He was in a fight with “the Brazilians”. It seems that he promoted a video of a Brazilian “singer” (I think he’s paid to promote such garbage) and didn’t mention a transgender, travesty that was on the video also. That infuriated the Brazilian gay mafia and things got ugly. Perez eve posted a video explaining that he didn’t and wouldn’t recognize the fellow gay just because…
Both sides are pathetic. (Can I say that?)
Wow. Didn’t know he was still around. He’s soooooo 2007 LOL
It’s the old put a Pollack in a round room and tell him to shit in the corner thing. Fuck this clown. I don’t give a shit about anything about him.
The fact that this homosexual is allowed to have kids is one reason this country is dead.
Hilarious. He’s an old poof put out to pasture. He just can’t deal, so he pissed off some young “fierce” CEO. The kid comment caught me off guard too – good Lord, poor kids.
So this is the guy who tried to destroy the career of Carrie Prejean, Miss American contestant with a loaded pro-gay interview question, and now he destroyed his own career by his own hand?
He says he has “obsessive thinking” (1:37). –Yeah, a gay man has obsessive thinking, wow, really?
Blubbers like a little gay bitch @ 5:08.
Told you I’d be back, Perez.
Love, Karma.