Perfect Choice – Gretchen Whitmer Negotiating With Biden Team for Vice President Position – IOTW Report

Perfect Choice – Gretchen Whitmer Negotiating With Biden Team for Vice President Position

Conservative Treehouse: Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced today she is in negotiations with the Biden campaign team to be considered a candidate for the Vice-Presidential nomination.  This would be an excellent choice by Joe Biden.  There are only a limited number of people on the planet as naturally unlikable by disposition as America’s Merkel, Fraulein Whitmer. more

34 Comments on Perfect Choice – Gretchen Whitmer Negotiating With Biden Team for Vice President Position

  1. …they’re holding Stacey back for VP pick when they “draft” Mooch at the convention.

    …that way, in addition to the novelty of TWO Black people on the ticket, they’ll have ONE woman, too…

  2. Geoff the aardvark
    MAY 20, 2020 AT 8:10 AM
    “Why are all or most democrap women harridans and harpies?”

    …because they can’t get decently laid by a MAN. It’s either dykes or soy betas for them, and neither gits ‘er done.

    …now, if you’d like to step up and take one for the team, perhaps YOU could turn ’em around, pretty sure you Aardvarks exceled at difficult and dangerous missions, so why not harden up and go into the breach a few more times for your Country, and maybe, just maybe, we’ll see some SMILES and just a bit less despotism once you’ve successfully, eh, “planted the flag”…

    …it’s a voulenteer mission, tho. Do you accept?

    …your Nation hangs on your answer…

  3. Anonymous
    MAY 20, 2020 AT 8:19 AM
    “She represents the people who elected her, which means she represents the majority of the people in Michigan and their thinking.”

    …I suspect @Claudia might disagree with you just a tiny, tiny bit…

  4. Whenever I see a pic of her, I see the lesbian psychopath Rosa Klebb (played by Lotte Lenya) in the 1967 James Bond movie From Russia with Love, and I see her in a Nazi SS uniform with a poisoned knife in the toe of her clunky shoe.

  5. …I suspect @Claudia might disagree with you just a tiny, tiny bit…

    Well, that means she was elected by the minority of the vote?

    FWIW, I don’t see any massive recall movement in progress so they must still be approving of her.

  6. ode to michigan (my-s**t-is-gone):
    .a t**t gubernor known as “half-wit”
    .kept getting her a** in the s**t
    .the state economy she be wreckin’
    .the Constitution she ain’t ree-speckin’
    .just another lawyer-liar lib-twit!

    ode #2 to mi:
    .a half-wit guvnah went law-less
    .said her “proclamations” they’s be flaw-less
    .it was all quite a stunt
    .from a useless lib-c**t
    .she just made more demonrat-rat dog-mess!

  7. :Hey anonymous, she’s supposed to represent all citizens.:

    Supposed to?

    That’s not the way things work, guy. Maybe you should take a look at reality and redetermine who is the moron.

    All elected officials represent those who elected them, otherwise we wouldn’t have different policies that affect different groups under different politicians.

  8. Side note: Lotte Lenya was also terrific as the masseuse psychopath Clara Pelf in the mostly forgotten but wonderful spoof Semi-Tough. The casting for that movie was genius. Bert Convy’s send-up of Werner Erhard of EST infamy was brilliant.

  9. Rick,

    I assume that means you have recognized the truth of my statement.

    Responding with personal insults instead of factual argument showing something different than was stated usually does.

  10. @Anonymous

    It was an off year election and recreational marijuana was on the ballot so a lot of stoners who don’t usually vote, and never think straight, showed up. She won’t be re-elected (if she makes it that far–see below). Nor will she be elected vice president even if gropey Joe picks her–and I pray he does just to get the evil bitch the hell out of our beautiful state.

    Also, yes there are recall petitions circulating with hundreds of thousands of signatures collected so far. Just because the evil, Marxist, anti-American, terrorist media refuses to acknowledge it, doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

  11. That crazy-assed woman’s forehead reminds me of Herman Munster. Looks like an all day road trip from her eyebrows to her hairline. Like junk desert land for sale around El Paso.

  12. Why didn’t her copycat EO of Cuomo’s, putting Covid positive patients in nursing homes get more media attention?
    I think she deserves some individual spotlight of that spectacular move.
    Move over NY and NJ. That Bitch from Michigan needs the light.

  13. She needs an alliterative name to sell what Mich’ voters and ‘Rat Party hierarcy believe: Wretchen Whitmer. Is it a coincidence the Wretch is from -M-I-C-H-igan? Moose.


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