Performative Drama — complete with costumes – IOTW Report

Performative Drama — complete with costumes

Patriot Retort: This morning, Congressional Democrats, all wearing African “kente cloth” around their necks, knelt on the floor ostensibly to honor George Floyd.  Just what we need – elected “leaders” indulging in performative drama.

And whose brilliant idea was it to “honor” George Floyd by kneeling?  From an optics perspective, this performative drama seems more honoring of the police officer arrested for Floyd’s death than George Floyd.

Hey, let’s honor the guy who died after someone knelt on him by kneeling!

It’s bad enough all they have is performative drama, but just how stupid would you have to be to stage something so incredibly tone-deaf? more here

see also:

Video: Nancy Pelosi Can’t Get Up by Herself After Kneeling for Photo Op.

h/t Jeff F

And please stop in, here.

29 Comments on Performative Drama — complete with costumes

  1. …yep, that’s Nancy and a bunch of other old White ofay racists culturally approprating garments they don’t understand.

    …but don’t take MY word for it, here’s an African lady who knows EXACTLY what they’re wearing inappropriately, and isn’t amused…

    …a White person wearing a Kinte cloth is as ludicrous as Deng Xiaoping wearing a Balmoral kilt.

    …although Deng probably has better legs to hold it up than Nancy does….

  2. They probably should have practiced their routine in front of a mirror maybe they would have realized half of them are so old or fat like Nadler and they weren’t going to be able to get to their feet gracefully.

  3. When will these incessant funerals ever end? What is this, either the third or fourth funeral for this guy? Each time ALL stations must cover every cough, every virtual signal, every lie, every hollow factless condemnation that it was white America that killed poor George. Even Foxnews is bowing at the altar of the narrative.

  4. George Floyd could not push himself up, and it killed him. I demand that white allies do ten minutes of push-ups to show their solidarity. Drop and give me 20, Nancy.

  5. OK there was something far more hilarious than the stills pics that took place that appears to be scrubbed from the internet. But Gregg Gutfeld had it and aired it. One of the women didn’t get the memo. She wore a very short skirt with what looked like butt floss underwear. At one point she actually had her skirt pinched together at her crotch with one of her hands and was propping herself up with the other. Tried to find the video yesterday and sent it to BFH. I can’t find it anywhere.

  6. Why the African neck cloths or whatever they are called? Is this Africa?

    They think it shows solidarity. It’s a cheap trick to avoid being called a racist and being voted out of office in their demo districts.


  7. The American Left are an embarrassment. The world probably wonders how Americans can be this stupid. There is no injustice concerning George Floyd. The person who caused his death is procecuted, incarcerated awaiting trial and sentencing. The left are arrogant opportunitists.

  8. Anonymous
    JUNE 9, 2020 AT 2:57 PM
    “Wonder who it was that directed this kente cloth display to take place?” doesn’t really matter, certainly not to Democrats. No Democrat, and most Black people, never really get past saying ‘Africa is Africa’, and certanly don’t research anything about it, so they just pick up things from media and crazed collitch perfessers, and run with them. Like the imagined ceremonies of Kwanzaa dreamed up by a race divider in the ’60s, they just pull frankly stereotypical things about Africa together and repackage them for woke consumption.

    You remember “Uhura” in Star Trek, TOS? Her backstory was she was from the United States if Africa and spoke Swahili, fueling a Swahili craze in the Black community that persists to this day. American Blacks consider it an “authentic” African language.

    And it IS.

    An EAST African language.

    …so, unless racism-crazed White slave traders eschewed the West coasts of Africa that the trade winds brought them to that had costal towns filled with Arabs and Blacks that were more than happy to sell them pre-caught OTHER Blacks for a quick turnaround, unless they instead added a year to their journey to go around the Cape of Good Hope (no Suez Canal then) and to the Horn of Africa to pick up MUCH more troublesome Blacks, then no slave-descended Black came from Swahili speakers.

    …but it doesn’t matter to wokies. Africa is Africa is Africa.

    …It’s kind of funny when American Blacks meet African ones, though. My employer is steadily replacing Americans with Africans of several nations, so the American ones get called out on fake Africa stuff by them. For example, for a time the Americans thought it was cool to wear dashikis like they were regular clothes, stuff like this:

    …ACTUAL Africans would quiz them about the origin of the patterns, what they said about their rank, and act offended if they got the country wrong.

    Plus, the REAL Africans all get dressed out of a Goodwill box anyway, they’re all wearing stuff YOU sent to Africa in the ’90s, so the American ones quit pretending and dressed normal. Well, “normal” as in “BLACK TO THE FUTURE”, “BLACK OWNED”, I LOVE MY BLACK SKIN”, and “obama” T-shirt wearing, that is…

    ..but that’s what American Democrats of all colors know about Africa.


    And they don’t care. Virtue signalling is visual shorthand and their AUDIENCE doesn’t know the difference, EITHER.

    …and, since we EXPECT Democrats to be hypocrites in ALL things, cultural appropriation INCLUDED, then why SHOULD they do boring stuff like research when White shaming doesn’t require it…

    …but while we’re talking about Nancy in particular, surely a good Catholic like she CLAIMS to be would know better than to kneel to a false god, even a Black one, kind of a First Commandment thing.

    Doesn’t she?

    (Rolling thunder sounds in stereo, first near, then far)

    Huh, that sounded like eyes rolling in Heaven, been hearing a LOT of that lately for some reason…

  9. …they’ve taken this PARTICULAR part off the Internet althogh you can still find the perfomance before and after it, but Richard Pryor once found out what REAL Africans thought of “American Tans”…

    “Pryor: “In Zimbabwe I said, ‘Excuse me, which tribe do you think I might be from? Maybe you see something in my features that tells you where my ancestors come from?’ And this African looks at me for a while and finally he says, ‘Italian.’ ”

    …yep, your tribe is NOT in Africa.

    It’s in America.

    Start ACTING like it…

  10. …slightly off to one side of the topic, can any of our LEOS tell me why in the WORLD are ANY of your brothers and sisters still PROTECTING these jacklegs? I get “duty”, sure, but come on, guarding people that are calling for your HEAD just looks a tad suicidal sometimes…

  11. Cultural appropriation without knowledge. They may as well have appeared in blackface.

    Nancy was too drunk to get up by herself. Notice how many of the demoncrat men offered to help the wobbly old ass up….none.

  12. Come on Brad, Find it!

    She couldn’t get up but at least she didn’t shit herself like Hillary on the steps up to the jet or get thrown into a van like a sac of potatoes!

  13. @B-B ~ go to the 4:00 mark … then go to the 4:45 mark

    can’t you just see it? Nan get’s Steny to write a taxpayer-funded check (he’s good at kiting checks) & cash it at the House Bank, gives some intern the cash & tells her to run out to the nearest ‘Authentic African-American Trinket’ vendor on the Mall & get some kunta kinte cloths for a photo-op prop … she rushes back & says, “I bought all he had” …. so, only the ‘privileged’ members were able to score one; & notice every one of those scarfs is exactly the same

    what a total farce… & they’re too stupid to see what utter failure it was … lmao


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