Perfume that smells like semen inspired by AIDS epidemic – IOTW Report

Perfume that smells like semen inspired by AIDS epidemic

Ottawa Sun:

The reason behind the creation of a strange semen-scented perfume has been revealed by its creator.

Etat Libre d’Orange, the company selling the perfume, calls it “Secretions Magnifiques” and has notes of not just semen but also blood, sweat, and saliva. It costs $120 for a 50-millilitre bottle.

Etienne de Swardt, the perfume maker, claims his inspiration for the scent came from his younger years when he was worried about the HIV and AIDS epidemic of the 1980s, the Daily Mail reports.

In a VICE interview, de Swardt said the perfume ”is very connected to the ’80s and to the viral risk. I thought about doing a perfume that would smell exactly like the situation, where, you don’t know if you’re going for it, or if you’re protecting yourself from what you want. You are at the point between pornography and romanticism. You are lost between attraction and repulsion. It is a very dual perfume.” more here

41 Comments on Perfume that smells like semen inspired by AIDS epidemic

  1. $120 for 50 milliliters? That is $456,000 a gallon! Unfreaking believable!

    So, now my mind is racing for ways to cater to the perv community while at the same time keeping my soul.

    And I have nothing. I mean why bother? If you would have told me that the smell of bodily fluids would pull in $456,000 a gallon I would have died laughing. Now I’m going to die crying because this is the state of the world we live in.

  2. … Nirvana would have a COMPLETELY different song if they changed it to”Smells Like Teen Spunking”.

    …is there such a thing as gay grunge? This would make it so…

  3. Pelopidas
    JUNE 14, 2019 AT 7:26 PM
    “$120 for 50 milliliters?”

    …It’s ESPECIALLY absurd when you consider that their target clientele is probably wearing a freely donated version of it as we speak…

  4. Stormy Daniels listed as a consultant.

    Hey, I heard about a dozen of her former co-stars threw her a surprise birthday party.

    You should have seen her face!

  5. …this reminds me of a joke.

    Hillary and Huma are sitting at a bar, and there’s a guy who keeps giving Huma the long eye. Hillary tires of this and calls the guy over.

    “Hey, I see you checking my assistant out. You think she’s cute?”

    “Yeah” slobbers the guy.

    “You want to know something intimate about her?” prompts Hillary.

    “Yesh” lisps the guy.

    “You wanna smell her pussy?” purrs Hillary.

    “YETH!” drools the guy pervily.

    … so Hillary breathes into his face…

  6. More than one woman has made a matter-of-fact comment to me that semen is influenced by the diet of the issuer.

    Cinnamon and garlic being the most common claims I’ve heard.

    I took their word for it.

    Not a study I’m interested in unless my woman makes a request. Which, neither did.

    If I ever do have another mate, she’ll have to bring this subject up herself. And yes, I’ll eat whatever spice she desires, if that’s her request.

    I’m not a moron.

    Always trying to get ahead in life. 😉

  7. Supernightshade, that reminds me of one…

    Bill clinton is rolling into town in his limo when he spies a hooker on the sidewalk. He has his driver stop and rolls down his window and says, “how much?” She says, “hunnerd dollers.” He says, “too much! I’ll give ten!” She says, “nope, hunnerd.” He rolls away.

    Later that evening he’s at dinner with hitlery and hears a bunch of snickering…he looks around and sees it’s the same hooker. She points and giggles and says, “see what you get for ten dollars?”

  8. True confession time… I am a perfume junkie. I buy a lot of small samples (1 ml) to try a perfume before buying because full bottles are so expensive. I mainly use niche brand fragrances so I am familiar with the brand, Etat Libre d’Orange, and I knew of this scent when they first came out with it.

    It caused a lot of talk in perfume-world, obviously. Semen, blood, sweat? People were warned not to buy unless trying it first. Some comments: “smells like a crime scene.” “Smells like a soggy trash bag containing rotting fish.” So of course I had to buy a small sample, just to find out what all the talk was about.

    But I never got up the nerve to try it. I still have it if anyone wants it. 😉

  9. Johnny
    JUNE 14, 2019 AT 8:27 PM

    “Sperm Catchers for $$ is gonna be a real job 😉”

    …that sounds more like the “Obama” job market than the Trump one…

  10. @ Supernightshade JUNE 14, 2019 AT 8:45 PM

    I had faith astute people like yourself wouldn’t miss that.

    Only the bright get the double entendres and you’re one of them.

    Was the wink too much? 😀

  11. willysgoatgruff
    JUNE 14, 2019 AT 7:22 PM
    “I always aimed at the ears…improves hearing…”

    …reminds me of another joke. A guy goes to a particular prostitute because she has a glass eye, and would take it out so he could insert himself and get a “wink job”, and paid her well for it.

    She always said the same thing to him when he left.

    “Hurry back, hon. I’ll be keeping an eye out for you…”

  12. de Swardt, Orange Free State?

    Instead of inventing foul fragrances, this white South African ought to figure out how to get out of the country, or if he already has, getting his relatives out.

  13. The deviant might as well create a perfume that smells like Hell fire smoke to get a jump on his permanent eternal scent, if he continues as a pervert. He better get right with God before it’s too late.


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