Perhaps the Finest Example of TDS We’ve Seen Yet – IOTW Report

Perhaps the Finest Example of TDS We’ve Seen Yet

via Diogenes’ Middle Finger—

by Robert Laurie

Everywhere you look, you see them: Panicked progressives and NeverTrumpers, running wild in the streets, screaming that the sky is falling. America – democracy itself – is doomed and soon we will awaken to find ourselves in a post-apocalyptic Mad Max hellscape. Once powerful pols and pundits will roam the barren land searching for seersucker and bowties, trying desperately to organize the kind of cocktail parties they used to enjoy.

What could have caused such a tectonic shift, you ask? In a word “him.” The beast. Donald J. Trump. He came crashing into town, defeated their mighty champion, and now they’ve lost all hope. This is the core of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Everything they understood to be true about their place in the political pecking order has been upended and they’re terrified that “the old way of doing things will never return.”   more

15 Comments on Perhaps the Finest Example of TDS We’ve Seen Yet

  1. Maybe we should start talking about this as though it’s a real possibility – just as an experiment. Perhaps more professors would be inclined to attempt suicide like that idiot who shot himself in the arm. And, perhaps they’d be more successful…

  2. Look, if a statistically significant number of people can be stampeded by the mere use of the “OK” hand sign…

    Well, this is what happens to people for whom everything is a fluid, social construct, right?

  3. “It is perfectly reasonable to imagine a future in which a popular young Democratic president is elected to third and even fourth terms, perhaps non-contiguously, with a four-year interlude from a lucky but ultimately ill-fated Republican challenger…”

    Perfectly Reasonable. Say, what is that over there?

    ::sprints to door::

  4. They are not capable of detaching themselves from the cult of personality they’ve created around Obama and others they elevate.
    The facts don’t matter, the achievements of this administration go unnoticed no matter how many benefit.
    Like a family member rescued from a cult, these people are in dire need of deprogramming.

  5. It’s irrational.
    Totally irrational.
    The HRC “personality” (not that she has any personality in any accepted sense) cult of rabid sycophancy.
    The refusal to perceive the objective universe.
    The slobbering, fainting, perverse adulation of that annoying homosexual moslem who mesmerized the world.
    The rejection of their own juggled BLS weekly and monthly job numbers.
    Their palpable hatred of America and anything American.

    President Trump is the focus of their derangement because he is the only guy (in the past 50 or 100 years – with the exception of Ronald Reagan) who is remotely honest and is trying to put a brake on the careening drive into the nihilistic abyss.

    Ask yourself: “What has he actually done to elicit such calumnies and vituperation? Who has he killed? Who has he violated? What citizens were killed or imprisoned or impoverished on his orders? What outrage, what war has he prosecuted?”

    Nothing. He has reduced the un-Constitutional excesses of the previous mal-administration. He has had the temerity to speak plainly and truthfully. Other than that, what? They show their true natures by their attacks.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Another example of psychological projection. Those people really have lost whatever mind they had left. Sad.

    Also humorous to watch. But don’t turn your backs – this is when the truly unhinged among them become dangerous.

  7. OpEds, blogologists, the dinosaur MSM, no longer competing for column space, are fighting the untethered social spaces where most ppl get their news.
    The need to up the ante in the delirium dept and out “imagine” one another makes perfect sense.
    It’s a race to the bottom.

  8. In one sense the left is right: their old way of doing things will not return. We have seen what you really are, and if a Democrat is elected, any calls for “bipartisanship” or “compromise” will be rightly ignored and resisted by conservatives and moderates. It is now o.k. to resist, and it is now o.k. to use whatever methods are available to drive a President or member of Congress from office.

    There are more of us than you. Good luck with restoring your reputation and any return to the corrupt Democrat way.


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