Perhaps the most lame Hillary Email to date? – IOTW Report

Perhaps the most lame Hillary Email to date?


[…] We’re thrifty on this campaign, and we know how to stretch a donation to its limits. We’re planning a GOTV operation that is smart, effective, and strategic.

But there are supplies we absolutely need to do this work. We’re buying clipboards to hold the packets that organizers will use to canvass neighborhoods. We’re buying ballpoint pens and sticky notes and printers. You would not believe how much toner we’re buying — or what it takes to print all those walk packets. We just approved an order for a concierge call bell — like you used to see at hotels — for the front desk at a field office in Allentown, Pennsylvania (so they never have to keep a prospective volunteer waiting). It cost $6.


8 Comments on Perhaps the most lame Hillary Email to date?

  1. “…but there are supplies we absolutely need to do this work. We’re buying garish muu muus to hide the catheters that Hillary uses to drain her bladder. We’re buying Diazepam pens and step stools and blood thinners. You would not believe how much gin we’re buying…”

  2. Other supplies needed. Rigged voting machines that turn republican votes into democrat votes (you wouldn’t believe how much those cost). Straw voters who travel around on election day and cast votes in multiple districts (they have to be paid too you know). Get out the vote programs on college campuses that encourage college kids to cast an extra vote in the college’s district even though most of them probably sent an absentee ballot back to their home district. The riot for hire mobs that attack Trump’s supporters (You remember how testy they got the last time we didn’t pay them). Poll “workers” who during the last half hour of polling go down the list of names of people who didn’t bother to vote and cast their votes for democrats (we have to pay people to make up the ballots and others to play the voters who cast them. Plus we have to hire lawyers in the event that they get caught. It all costs money people).

  3. Um, if there are any leftover supplies could they please send them to the Office of Court Administration, 25 Beaver Street, New York, New York 10004? Attach note reading, “For Family Court.”

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