Perjury hedge? Sure starting to look that way with Kavanaugh’s 2 accusers – IOTW Report

Perjury hedge? Sure starting to look that way with Kavanaugh’s 2 accusers

American Thinker: While Democrats and the public holler to each other about who’s lying in the 11th-hour sexual abuse charges seeking to shoot down the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, and the Drudge Report headlines it as a he-said, she-said case, what stands out is that the two sides in this aren’t equal.  It’s amazing how much careful hedging against perjury charges Kavanaugh’s accusers have taken, in contrast with Kavanaugh’s defenders.

Christine Blasey Ford set off a few red flags from the get-go, not only because of first her insistence on anonymity in making the charges, then her vague recall of critical details such as when the incident was and how she got there, and finally her lawyer’s crazy conditions for her client to testify before the Senate, insisting that only male Senate members ask questions, Kavanaugh speak first, and lots of time to set up the Senate hearings due to the Hawaii-commuting professor’s suddenly disclosed fear of flying, alongside her false claim that the Senate insisted she sit at the same table as Kavanaugh as she made her charges.

All of those could be called small perjury hedges.  Her defenders might argue that those aren’t hedges at all.  But there is a big one: the fact that she sent her letter accusing Kavanaugh to Rep. Anna Eshoo, who sits in a House seat of no importance to the Senate confirmation – and didn’t send it to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who sits in a Senate seat of significant importance.

Why could she have done that?  Well, because sending a letter to Eshoo (and hoping it stays anonymous) means it’s not under oath, because Eshoo is of no importance to the matter.  Sending it to Feinstein means that it is under oath, because it’s sent as evidence for the case.

Now it looks like a perjury hedge. 

11 Comments on Perjury hedge? Sure starting to look that way with Kavanaugh’s 2 accusers

  1. “If I say a thing that I know is not perfect truth, it is a flat perjury.”

    These are instances of “Perjury for Pay” which, in my humble opinion, is far more despicable than regular, run-of-the-mill perjury.

    “I was sexually assaulted. I don’t remember when, or where, or what the circumstances were, but I’m sure I was assaulted by HIM! And it happened in some sort of dream-thingy, which could only be resurrected through mesmerizing.
    Oh, yeah, it didn’t bother me enough to worry about it for 35 years, or so.”

    Sorry, folks … smells like BULLSHIT.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. BS
    they changed their ‘story’ while they were still telling it.

    “…All of those could be called small perjury hedges. Her defenders might argue that those aren’t hedges at all. But there is a big one: the fact that she sent her letter accusing Kavanaugh to Rep. Anna Eshoo,”

    I apologize for linking an article at cnn, but they themselves presented the letter, which was ‘leaked’ to them, as addressed to feinstein:
    That was a redacted form of the letter, and it was only text.
    feinstein did release a copy of the letter itself a few days later, and shows that the letter _is_ addressed to feinstein:
    Lies. Again.
    Almost everyone will look at their change in a store and count it to make sure it is correct. But for some reason, when they are handed something by the likes of feinstein or shumer, they just accept what they are given and go on their way. And they know that. It is how they operate. feinstein withheld evidence and obstructed justice. She also distributed the letter to the democrats on the committee, and they too, therefore, also withheld and obstructed.

  3. @toby…..

    I had read that this hit job was originally loaded in 2012 against Candidate Romney’s stated choice of Gorsuch and/or Kavanaugh….but was shelved when 0bama won…..

    I wonder if it was originally a “Neil Gorsuch” did this to me letter….???

  4. Wait!… Wait!… A new 4th allegation has surfaced that promises to be even more damaging than all the others. The lawyer representing the 4th accuser is… hmmm… lemme look at my notes… ah… yes… one James McGill Esq. of Albuquerque, NM.

    Burner Phone #: 1-888-ILI-E4YU
    Address: Back room of Fong’s Nail Salon

  5. @Tony R September 26, 2018 at 10:43 am

    > Does anyone reasonably believe the Senate Republican would actually charge her with perjury? It would never happen, and she knows it.

    I don’t disagree with the conclusion. I’ll just point out that the Republicans have a majority on the committee. Republicans hold the committee chair. So, it’s Republican delay. Republican smear campaigns. Republicans running out the election clock. (Or, at least, one Republican.)

  6. @Ed357-
    I”ve seen suggestions of that. WIth font alterations, it could/does fit. And there are font alterations in _feinstein’s_ letter. The main thing is that it was addressed to her and she withheld it. That is far easier to prove- so easy to do that she did it herself.

  7. The left has always known that they can hide all of her medical health history using HIPPA. They were never going to allow anything to happen. This is the new Dem shit machine ready to work over anyone DT nominates. Ask that dweeb Bian Fallon who just wrote a piece boasting about derailing this nomination.


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