Perpetual hysteric says it’s all hysteria – IOTW Report

Perpetual hysteric says it’s all hysteria

Patriot Retort:

With murder rates skyrocketing in Democrat-run cities, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants people to stop being so damn hysterical. It isn’t a big deal, don’t you know. It’s just over-the-top hype. And if anyone would know about performative hysteria and over-the-top hype, it’s Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

She of the “Ted Cruz tried to have me murdered while I hid in a completely separate building far from the mob” can’t believe you dopes are getting all worked up about so-called “rising crime rates” that aren’t really rising, even though they really are rising, and what’s with all the hysteria? MORE

19 Comments on Perpetual hysteric says it’s all hysteria

  1. We are about to celebrate our Independence Day.
    Imagine the founders finding out that this totally ignorant imbecile has ANY authority to vote on important issues affecting democracy and freedom of US citizens.
    They would be like, “wait, I risked hanging or worse for this ridiculous CUNT?”

  2. Scary that this idiot has an electorate.

    Question: The marine that I read about who was shot was hit in the back by a ricochet bullet but was not killed and had non life-threatening injury. I thought I heard that a friend or relative dug the bullet out on the scene. Was there another who was shot and killed? I sure as hell hope not.

  3. This little girl should be a benchmark for stupid.

    I agree, she’s just watched what other commies have quietly pushed and turned up the volume. She’s no original thinker.

  4. Lies and hypocrisy are her only weapons.
    She’s the turd that floated to the top of that electoral cesspool.
    They certainly deserve her, but the rest of America doesn’t.

    And idiots SHOULD be represented by other idiots.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I do not understand how the constituents in her district don’t find her a total embarrassment. They should be profoundly ashamed for having elected her and realize they can redeem themselves by sending her back to a brilliant career as a bartender that is waiting for her.

  6. Larry The dumbed-down, pearl-clutching, bead-strumming, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, booger-eating, Politically Correct, sheet grabbing, pillow biting, moisturizing-metro-sexual, short-attention-span Idiot

    I’m in love!

  7. James – is it really you?
    Got on your St. Pauli Girl outfit?

    You had the distinction of being the only commenter banned by Mr. Hat! Has he relented?

    izlamo delenda est …

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