NBC Philadelphia- Jersey Shore Town Flushes Practice of Personal Toilets on Beaches
Personal portable toilets should not be among the chairs, umbrellas and toys that visitors haul with them when they go to the beach in one Jersey shore town.
Brigantine’s City Council unanimously voted Wednesday night to craft an ordinance banning the devices.
The Press of Atlantic City reports Mayor Phil Guenther said he was amazed it is going on because the city provides portable toilets on a number of beaches.
Public Works Superintendent John Doring says workers started finding human waste in trash cans at the city’s four-wheel drive beaches last summer.
Hmmm, the last post had Fur talking about “banging a guy in his hairy ass”.
Then Cardigan drops a post about “Shit Box”.
Are you guys in sync tonight or what?
New Jersey…toilets… (that’s too easy)
The Portable Obama Presidential Library™… excellent idea !!
“Personal portable toilets should not be among the chairs, umbrellas and toys that visitors haul with them when they go to the beach…”
No shit, Sherlock!
PICK UP YOU SHIT AND LEAVE!!!!!. LOL I’m impressed by the perfectly symmetrical talking turd poking out of the SHIT BOX. Now that’s a marketing plan.
A “Mr. Hankey Playhouse”! I want one, I want one.

I wish Ralph were here to share in the fun.
When I poop at the NJ beach, I just dig a hole and then cover it up. I don’t need no stinkin’ boxes to lug around.
I notice there’s no “Governor Approved” signage on the side of that thing.
Forget that damn cardboard box. A fat ass will crush that sucker flat. Get the real thing. In the winter, you can store pet food in it.
They are banned because one of them accidently kicked Harry Reid’s ass when he tried to use it.
Wonder why Barkey’s head is not tapered.
Herd Mentality, Bwaahhaaa. Because he was stuck and they grabbed him by the ears to pull him the rest of the way out.
“A Mr. Richard Feder from Fort Lee, New Jersey writes in and says: “Dear Roseanne Roseannadanna, Last Thursday, I quit smokin’. Now, I’m depressed, I gained weight, my face broke out, I’m nauseous, I’m constipated, my feet swelled, my gums are bleedin’, my sinuses are clogged, I got heartburn, I’m cranky and I have gas. … What should I do?” … Mr. Feder, you sound like a real attractive guy! … You belong in New Jersey! ” – Roseanne Roseannadanna
What if …. you took that box into a gay bakery … and asked the baker to use the contents for icing on a gay wedding cake. Problem … or no problem ??
I get the impression that they don’t have the natural healthy instinct when it comes to feces. Just curious ..
That muslim woman who used the hallway near the elevator could have used one.
£18.99 per “pack.” That’s about $30. How many are in a pack?
These would make perfect decorations for the White House lawn.
I miss Ralph.
Cardboard crapper
Sorry, this product is not available.”
The cool shit never lasts.
It looks more like the “Suggestion Box” at the White House.
We’re talking about New Jersey right? Three dumps found in the trash? Are they sorting through the trash? New Jersey… Right? Is that a union job?
I guess if someone scooped their dog crap and put it in a plastic bag and tossed it in the trash this would also be an issue? In New Jersey.
I get it, people are being tidy, against the local standards, not treating the enviroment like a public dump. It took me a while to get there. Phew. So confusing. So next part, is this anti-gay?