Perspective: Stop Whining, Plebs, the DC Élite Are Also Suffering – IOTW Report

Perspective: Stop Whining, Plebs, the DC Élite Are Also Suffering

WFB: Obama’s super-spreader birthday bash may have ruined the fall party scene in our nation’s capital.

Regular Americans love to complain about how the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected their lives. The plebs throw temper tantrums when members of the political élite flaunt their privilege by throwing massive parties and ignoring the rules they put in place for everyone else.

Regular Americans, who as we all know are to blame for ruining democracy and botching the Afghanistan withdrawal, should try to take a deep breath and put their so-called suffering in perspective. They shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that the political élite are also suffering, and élite suffering is, for obvious reasons, even more tragic than regular suffering.

Politico reports that members of the Washington, D.C., élite are the victims of a grave injustice perpetrated by one of their own. Former president Barack Obama’s 60th birthday party in Martha’s Vineyard earlier this month was a confirmed super-spreader event. The “Obama variant” has wreaked havoc on the island’s only hospital system.

Thanks, Obama. His insatiable narcissism may have ruined the fall party scene in our nation’s capital. Democratic power players, shocked at the (relatively) critical tone of the media coverage surrounding the Martha’s Vineyard affair, are worried they might have to wait a few months before it’s socially acceptable to hang out with celebrities again: MORE

7 Comments on Perspective: Stop Whining, Plebs, the DC Élite Are Also Suffering

  1. No doubt some DC elite asses are hanging in the wind outside the airport in Afghanistan, too. I hope they know that some of the pholks Barky released from Gitmo are the ones beating them with chains. Deep shit in the deep state right now, and your loyalty means nothing if you’re not at the top.

  2. “They shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that the political élite are also suffering, and élite suffering is, for obvious reasons, even more tragic than regular suffering.”

    Since “they” is referring to “me,” me thinks they are full of shit. Suffer? Seriously? I want to see them suffer, I’d like to see a muzzie string them up and detach their neck from their body. I think that’s how they roll, end their suffering. Booo—whoooo!

  3. I hope some asshole like Evelyn Farkas or Michael McFaul is wandering around barefoot outside the wall at the Kabul airport, screaming, “Do you know who I am???” and somebody like Khairullah Khairkhwa tells them who he is.

  4. vis-à-vis Obola’s super-spreader event on Martha’s Vineyard – it wouldn’t bother me a jot if they all fucking died.
    Same for every Representative and Senator (and SES) and Judge, come to think of it …

    izlamo delenda est …


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