PETA Condemns Fishing as ‘Cruel’ Harassment – IOTW Report

PETA Condemns Fishing as ‘Cruel’ Harassment


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has denounced fishing as a cruel sport, insisting that fish feel pain and urging all anglers to become vegans.

“Fish are sentient individuals who feel pain,” PETA stated in a tweet Friday. “Invading an animal’s natural habitat, harassing them, killing them, and eating them for fun is so cruel.”

“Don’t go fishing this summer, or EVER,” PETA commanded.

In their accompanying video, PETA asks viewers to try to imagine what their cold-blooded brethren feel by putting themselves in the fish’s place.

“Anglers often try to retrieve hooks by shoving their fingers or even a pair of pliers down a fish’s throat. Doing this doesn’t just rip out the hook, but also part of the fish’s throat and organs,” the video states.

“Can you imagine having a hook pierce your face before suffocating to death?” it asks.

“No one deserves this. Try vegan!” it adds, seeming to suggest that human rights and fish rights are basically equivalent and that a fish is a “someone” just as a human being is.  more here



22 Comments on PETA Condemns Fishing as ‘Cruel’ Harassment

  1. So now they want my linguine to die without a proper clam sauce?…they were betrothed at the sink/cutting board with white wine, permegian and bread crumbs standing up for them…..Parsley was the flower girl and Pinot Grigio was the ring bearer….

  2. PETA:

    Fish are sentient individuals…


    2. Phys. Of organs or tissues: Responsive to sensory stimuli.

    Those deluded PETA freaks need to stop eating sunflower seeds. Sunflowers are phototropic, meaning they sense and respond to light stimulus by turning toward the sun as the day progresses.

    Ergo, sunflowers are sentient.

  3. Just wait until they hafta kiss my pale, hairy ASS! I’ll show ’em a whole NEW meaning, to, “cruel & unusual punishment!”

    In fact, I think I’ll gas up at Bull River Taco, BEFORE I do! >:->

  4. Again, people who support murder by abortion have ZERO moral authority and can be discounted as evil nuts right out of the gate. I tend to do the exact OPPOSITE of what they demand, when they issue proclamations.

  5. Until fish start committing suicide, catching them is our only option. BTW, grilling salmon tonite, very respectfully of course, with a light olive oil bath, a little seasoning, and a very humane dash of dipping sauce.

  6. A somewhat similar view surfaces once in a while on a couple of fishing forums I read. Usually from someone who interacts with Indians out west or people from some Asian countries. Where catching, killing and eating fish is fine. It’s a one time trauma for the fish.

    What they object to is C & R ( catch & release) where an individual fish is repeatedly subjected to, as far as the fish knows, the trauma of fighting for its life, and repeatedly suffering pain from being hooked. They regard that as cruelty to the fish. I dunno, but it think I’d prefer a little pain now and then and still be alive rather than killed and eaten.

    However, mortality rates are high if fish are not gently handled during C & R they die a slow death hours or days later. Or have stunted growth and produce no offspring. If people won’t learn proper handling of caught fish they might as well keep them and eat them. If possible keep the fish in the water, and release it ASAP .

  7. I eat what I keep, release the rest.
    And I pay for my sport, so fuck PETA.
    If you’re all that adamant about saving animals, go feed a Grizzly Bear – yourselves.

  8. I eat what I keep, release the rest.
    And I pay for my sport, so fuck PETA.
    If you’re all that adamant about saving animals, go feed a Grizzly Bear – yourselves.

    By hand, of course.

  9. the God-hating PETA Veejuns refuse to believe in Creation.

    However, all around us there is proof of Intelligent Design and there is no way our Creator designed fish to feel pain while eating. Follow my thinking here: fish eat other living things to stay alive – bugs, frogs, crustaceans, other fish. And when eating other fish, those prey fish have….spines and fins and teeth that can hurt the innards of the predator fish….but only if the predator fish have pain receptors in their digestive tracts! So no, fish do not feel pain while being caught. They have natural defense responses and resisting the tug of the hook in their mouth is only natural.

    So fish willingly go after lures or bait, thinking it’s their next meal, and knowing it’s not a pain fest.


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