PETA Orchestrates Superglue Stunt At Starbucks – IOTW Report

PETA Orchestrates Superglue Stunt At Starbucks

In Revenge For Seducing Climate Activists Into Buying Dairy Products. 🤣🍿

19 Comments on PETA Orchestrates Superglue Stunt At Starbucks

  1. Doesn’t matter if someone eats, sleeps and shits liberalism your always fair game for fellow liberals. Always reminds me of the Twilight Zone episode The Obsolete Man with Fritz Weaver.

  2. I’m a bit different.
    I would leave her stuck glued there until she pissed or crapped herself.
    Hell, put a couple of wet floor pylons around her. (safety & shit)
    Call the coppers & get the arrest documented.
    Trespass her off the property etc.
    Followed by a Bill in the mail for the Clean up and if applicable, lost revenue.
    Easily 6 to 10 Thousand to her/mommy/Peta whatever.

    Or the Kid could just take her coffee Black and save a shit ton of money.
    (a double espresso without the milk products is relatively cheap)

  3. This is the insanity the self appointed royalty loves.
    Every TV show now has a mental wellness spin, obviously these people missed it.
    People Eating Tasty Animals.
    When the first herd of cows compose a musical number and perform it, I will believe they are of higher learning.
    Any group of animals that start their own band.

  4. What is the average response time in Seattle for non life threatening emergencies? They just don’t show up. You report it online and fill out a police report therein. WTF are they showing up and detaching these fuckwits for?

  5. Seems like a perfect time to put a dunce hat on her, maybe an idiot sign around her neck. At one time you had to force the fools into the stocks. Today they gladly walk themselves right into them.

  6. Leave them there until they unstick themselves. No water, no food, no coffee and no attention. When they finally rip themselves free, no first aid. Just throw them out.

  7. Funny thing about this is that PETA has been exposed as abusing animals, killing off “unwanted” domestic animals and tossing the dead bodies into garbage dumpsters.


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