Pete Buttigieg Argues for End of Electoral College After Iowa ‘Victory’ Without Popular Vote – IOTW Report

Pete Buttigieg Argues for End of Electoral College After Iowa ‘Victory’ Without Popular Vote

Breitbart: Former Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D) argued that the popular vote should take precedence in a presidential election, just after he lost the popular vote to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in Iowa.

“I think that the Electoral College has run its course and in the future, we ought to pick our presidents in a way that makes sure that the one who got the most votes actually gets to be president,” Buttigieg said in a CNN town hall on Thursday.

Buttigieg won the Iowa caucuses with 564 state delegate equivalents, while Sanders only won 562.

But Sanders won the popular vote, with a 6,114 vote lead in the first vote and a 2,631 vote lead in the second vote. read more

18 Comments on Pete Buttigieg Argues for End of Electoral College After Iowa ‘Victory’ Without Popular Vote

  1. Mao—I mean Mayo—Pete is as radical as Bernie. This country cannot continue to exist as a pure democracy, and getting rid of the EC is arguably the biggest step towards pure democracy that we could take.

    Someone should ask him if he favors abolition of the Senate because of its “inherent unfairness”. I bet he’d say yes.

  2. Up yours Pete, literally. The democraps are beyond pathetic, I don’t see how anyone but a rabid mad dog true believer could vote for their socialist bs, the American people are onto to you and Bernie and the other flakes left in the democrap primaries. McGovern was a piker compared to how bad the democraps are going to get their ass kicked in November.

  3. Butterbutt’s purpose and intent is to destroy America.
    He knows that elimination of the Electoral College opens the way to complete and utter fraud by the Demonrats, and will result in a One-Party State, as in the case of every socialist tyranny – National Socialist Germany, Soviet Socialist Russia, People’s Republic of China – and all the other socialist Hell-Holes on Earth.
    That anyone would support his own enslavement is a mystery. But there it is.

    These rabid, snarling, lying, socialists are stumbling over one another to be the first in line for all the free shit promised by these maggots.

    We need to bear in mind that we’re not, morally or legally, obliged to submit to extra-Constitutional penumbras and shadows. These people (mostly Demonrats, but not entirely) openly profess TREASON – against the Constitution – against America – against Freedom – against Liberty – and against Sanity.

    Butterbutt looks like a marionette (which I’m fairly certain he is) – but whose marionette is he? Some weird cross between Howdy Doody and Alfred E. Newman.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The more I hear from this proud practitioner of deviant homosexual behavior, the more I want him to be the nominee. His father was a Marxist Economics Professor, who actually believed that Communism worked for the proletariat. His record as mayor of South Bend barely qualifies him to be a candidate for statewide office, much less national office. If he somehow manages to get the nomination, I’d like to see him select Kalamity Harris for his running mate. Then it would be a contest between the Homosexualist and the Harridan against Trump and Pence.

  5. And this goes over how well in a state like New Hampshire? Vermont? How about RI or DE?

    Let’s see how he does on that alone based on state size and representation.


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