Peter King Disparaging Trump as a Lout Gets Accused of Being a Lout – IOTW Report

Peter King Disparaging Trump as a Lout Gets Accused of Being a Lout



  • Peter King, a New York representative, criticized Donald Trump’s potential foreign policy and pretended to impersonate the likely nominee
  • peter king
  • King pictured Trump like ‘the guy at the end of the bar’ who says: ‘Why pay for the Japs, why pay for the Koreans?’
  • The term ‘Japs’ became common during the Second World War, especially after Japan launched a surprise attack on Hawaii’s Pearl Harbor
  • A civil rights group launched a campaign against the word in 1957, and it is now widely regarded as disparaging and offensive
  • But King later said he was ‘using it to make a point’, adding that people were ‘too politically correct.


King should apologize and say, “hey, I love the Japs.”



6 Comments on Peter King Disparaging Trump as a Lout Gets Accused of Being a Lout

  1. Article V Convention of the States,……let’s start with a “term limits” amendment for all federal judgeships (including SCOTUS), Senators, and members of Congress.

    Goodbye King, you blowhard pandering POS.

  2. I was never a supporter for term limits simply because an elected official can let it be known that in their last term he/she’s for sale. In addition they would be far more likely to put the interests of their district ahead of the countries knowing that when they leave office a cushy job could be waiting for them. Having said all of that I’ve changed my mind. There should be term limits for (as HungJumper says above) Federal Judges, Congressmen and Senators. Individual states/provinces can make their own rules. No lobbying jobs at all for ex federal employee’s above a certain pay grade and none at all for ex politicians. While one would bemoan the loss of all the expertise I suspect the gains in truly above board Government/Corporate/Political relationships would pay off big time.

  3. King is an asshole, “Jap”, really?
    It’s only a pejorative if it offends you, seems those “feel good”, everybody wins, make you feel good about yourselves aren’t working out too well.
    Call me anything you want but don’t call me late to dinner.
    Why do so many feel it is their obligation to be offended for all the ‘right’ people?

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