Peter Navarro: Coronavirus Highlights Need for U.S. to Make Our Own Medical Products Again – IOTW Report

Peter Navarro: Coronavirus Highlights Need for U.S. to Make Our Own Medical Products Again

Conservative Treehouse: White House manufacturing policy advisor Peter Navarro has an important discussion with Maria Bartiromo about the consequences of the Coronavirus which includes the need for U.S. companies to return manufacturing to the United States on key medical products and pharmaceuticals.   A very important subject.

Both Navarro and Bartiromo note that our dependency on Asia for medical products is a problem when a global virus erupts, global demand for those products peaks, and the supply of those products becomes most urgent. WATCH

5 Comments on Peter Navarro: Coronavirus Highlights Need for U.S. to Make Our Own Medical Products Again

  1. China had is by the balls. But then came PDJT.

    China still has a lot of our elected officials in their pockets (clinton, freinstein, mcconnell’s wife, amomg many others) and they ‘own’ many of our schools.

  2. This is so true. I’ve been amazed that it’s taken us so long to figure that out. That has been a concern for some time; even before it was revealed how crappy the steel was that we were relying on instead of making our own.

    We should have been all over this after the pet food disaster years ago. If they send us deadly pet food, imagine what our drugs are like!

  3. Recall who sold us that global economy that we just had to have…. and hard sell they did.

    The longer President Trump has to go it alone, the more expendable the rest of them are, and the sooner dumped, the better.

    Rebuilding the world, e.g. the Marshall Plan was the right thing to do, but how soon did the world forget what America did for Humanity. Ingrates.

  4. And think of all the construction jobs! For Newer™ Betterer™ United Statesians!

    How many multi-square mile (coastal, of course) Free Trade™ zones will we need? To house all the Chinese Multi-National™ factories? Staffed by all the Chinese slave Temporary™ Guest™ workers? To work in The United States at Chinese wages?

    To Improve The Bottom Line™, of course! And Bring Manufacturing Back™, to The United States?

  5. The way the suppliers are set up now they no longer warehouse goods as they used to. Now they tell manufacturers what they want and when they want it. Goods go right from the ports to the retailers. I’m expecting to see shortages in the near future due to the closing of shops or worker shortages due to the corona virus concerns in China. I expect prices will rise on the shorted goods and the media to lay it at President Trumps feet instead of corporate management and bean counters where it belongs. This is all for the ability to shave pennies off their purchases.


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