Peter Navarro Releases “Art of the Steal” Report – IOTW Report

Peter Navarro Releases “Art of the Steal” Report

by Matt Palumbo

Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy and Assistant to the President Peter Navarro released a thirty-two page report on election fraud earlier this morning.

Titled “The Art of the Steal,” the report is the sequel to a prior report of Navarro’s on election irregularities that alleged outright voter fraud, ballot mishandling, contestable process fouls, equal protection clause violations, voting machine irregularities, and significant statistical anomalies.

A summary from the first report of the election irregularities alleged and which states they were present in is summarized by the chart below:

As for the new report, the key claims made are as follows: MORE

6 Comments on Peter Navarro Releases “Art of the Steal” Report

  1. …incorrectly named. There’s no “art” to it at all. They are blatantly seizing the power they crave, shoving it in our faces, and daring us to do something about it.

    …not “artful” at all, not even MEANT to be. They are just showing us they will do whatever the hell they want to do, and demonstrating how helpless we are to stop them at the same time.

    It’s like when Hillary has a guy killed, or a LOT of people like Las Vegas. Its deliberately sloppy and barely covered up just so she can get off on forcing us to watch her skate yet again, only this time its for ALL the marbles…

  2. Anonymous
    JANUARY 5, 2021 AT 2:43 PM
    “Wouldn’t the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy have something to say about admitting chinese dominion voting machines be allowed into the country?”

    …yep, they’d say the same thing the REST of the anti-Trump bureaucracy says.

    …”By Any Means Necessary”…

  3. “They have mouths, but they speak not: They have ears but they
    hear not: noses have they , but they smell not: they have hands
    but they handle not: feet have they, but they walk not: neither
    speak they through their throat. They that make them are like unto them; SO IS every one that trusteth in them. PASS THIS ON TO THE REPUBLICAN SENATORS WHO SIT ON THEIR HANDS.

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