Peter Navarro says Washington, DC looks more like East Berlin than the United States – IOTW Report

Peter Navarro says Washington, DC looks more like East Berlin than the United States

14 Comments on Peter Navarro says Washington, DC looks more like East Berlin than the United States

  1. They will just say it is because Conservatives are and armed threat. Best bet is to post video & pics of guardsmen bored, guarding against nobody & sleeping in ridiculous conditions to expose the absurd.

    Set up Bored Guardsmen thread or pics.

  2. Remember when the Dems flipped out because President Trump suggested a military parade? I bet Uncle Joe will announce one soon, and the media will have a collective orgasm over it.

  3. Who killed Ashli Babbitt?
    Who killed LeVoy Finecum?
    Who killed Vickie Weaver?
    Who killed the people at Waco? Either time — the compound or the bikers?

    Every one of them employed by some branch of government.


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