Peter Schweizer Explains How China Purchased U.S. Congress as a Trade Strategy – IOTW Report

Peter Schweizer Explains How China Purchased U.S. Congress as a Trade Strategy

CTH: A timely book by Peter Schweizer, “Secret Empires”, explains how Chinese companies purchased U.S. politicians to gain trade advantages. When you understand this process, you better understand why those same politicians today are against the Trump trade policy that is antithetical to their purchased interests.

Reminder: U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue is warning President Trump not to take any trade action against China or he will unleash his purchased control agents within congress and financial media to destroy his presidency.

Allow me to re-emphasize:

All opposition to President Trump stems from the underlying financial and economic policy. All opposition is about money!

When you ask the “why” question five times you end up discovering the financial motive for all opposition. It doesn’t matter who the group is; the opposition is ultimately about money. There are trillions at stake.

Donohue takes-in hundreds of millions in payments from multinational corporations who hold a vested interest in keeping the U.S. manufacturing economy subservient to China. The U.S. CoC then turns those corporate funds into lobbyist payments to DC politicians for legislative action that benefits their Chinese trade deals. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the #1 lobbyist in DC; there are trillions at stake.

Wall Street’s famous CONservative mouthpieces then take their cues from Donohue and decry any Trump trade policy that might impact their multinational benefactors.  They hide behind catch phrases like “free trade”, or “free markets”.  However, what they are really hiding is the truth, there is no free market – it is a controlled market.  It’s a circle of trade and economic propaganda driven by the most well known guests that appear on Fox News. Ben Shapiro is one such example; there are hundreds more.  MORE HERE

10 Comments on Peter Schweizer Explains How China Purchased U.S. Congress as a Trade Strategy

  1. Biden and his son were bought with a Chinese government bank investment of a $BILLION dollars.

    Politicians aren’t cheap, but they generally stay bought UNTIL they are caught.

  2. If anyone is surprised, pull your head out of the sand. Don’t just blame China, US companies are to blame as well. How about Cargill & ADM sugar tariff, that makes High Fructose Corn Syrup the cheaper product. The whole farm market is controlled by Agra-business, and subsidized top to bottom, $20 billion annually. Check for those in your neighborhood. Then look at ethanol as fuel and the circle starts again.

    Is there a list of poor broke Lawyers that went to Congress and turned into Millionaires?

  3. A garbage disposal or trash compactor would take care of this problem. It merely must be big enough to include 535 creeps. Today wouldn’t be too soon.

    What would we lose? Irreplaceable patriots?? ROTFL!

  4. The punishment for lawyers who break the law should be much harsher.
    That, and strict term limits.

    BTW, the US Constitution specifies capital punishment for Treason. It is justified.


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