Petition Grows To ‘Impeach’ Pelosi After She Rams Election Bill Through Congress – IOTW Report

Petition Grows To ‘Impeach’ Pelosi After She Rams Election Bill Through Congress


After Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi rammed the controversial election bill through the House an online petition was launched to impeach Pelosi and it’s gaining steam. 

The petition has collected more than 850,000 signatures continues to grow. 

“We the people ask that impeachment proceedings begin against Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer for Treason against the American People.  Article I, section 5 of the U.S. Constitution provides that “Each House” (that is, the Senate and the House of Representative) “may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a member,” reads the petition. 

The controversial election bill is called “For The People Act” which would nullify state elections laws, would require vote by mail in ballots in all 50 states, kill voter ID laws, and require a minimum of 15 days of early voting. 

 Not one Republican voted for the bill and it is considered dead on arrival at the Senate. 

“H.R. 1 [the For The People Act] would legalize voting for convicted felons all over the country even if they were convicted of election fraud,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-California) said on Tuesday.

“Does that make sense to you? Not only is this dangerous, it’s unconstitutional.” read more

8 Comments on Petition Grows To ‘Impeach’ Pelosi After She Rams Election Bill Through Congress

  1. If what I’m hearing is true, Biden may be removed and Harris replace him as President shortly.

    Maybe Harris could appoint Pelosi as her VP then and get her out of the House entirely.

    With Pelosi finally removed from the House everyone should then then be happy.

    Other than that, Pelosi is one of the most powerful political figures in Washington and I expect her to remain in the House until she either retires or dies, she will not be removed any other way.


  2. Ha – Dems have Pelosi exactly where they want her, she gets things done. Petition to impeach??? Good bloody luck with that, less likely than Cuomo stepping down for killing a few thousand people and groping a few women.

  3. The petition has collected more than 850,000 signatures continues to grow.

    great news. But………… where is it? I’ll sign it.
    Judicial watch has one on Eric smallwill, I just signed it someplace online.

  4. Oh boy, another useless recall effort, implemented to let the losers think they have some say in the process.

    Elections have consequences (Gee, where did I hear that before?). Because of idjits like Lin Wood and others that told Georgians to stay home to protest the election process, the dems won the whole sheebang, they control ALL levers of power so now they can ram any bad ill-conceived totally UN-American legislation they want.

    Sure, the GOP can rant and whine, howl at the moon and scream about how unfair and mean those dems are, and the bills will get passed, further eroding our economy and our liberty.

  5. Welcome to the party, pal.

    I expect her to remain in the House until she either retires or dies, she will not be removed any other way.

    A rope, Madame La Guillotine, tar and feathers, drawn and quartered…

    Because of idjits like Lin Wood and others that told Georgians to stay home to protest the election process, the dems won the whole sheebang, they control ALL levers of power so now they can ram any bad ill-conceived totally UN-American legislation they want.

    Another whiner and an idjit in his own right. All the vote fraud had nothing to do with it, right?

    Get forked.


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