Petition to Divest Harvard from Fossil Fuels Signed by Less Than 1% of Students – IOTW Report

Petition to Divest Harvard from Fossil Fuels Signed by Less Than 1% of Students

“In light of the recent predictions made by the IPCC as to the proliferation of climate violence; in response to the National Climate Assessment’s call to make substantial and sustained reductions in our use of fossil fuels; and recognizing the part Harvard plays in an interconnected, global economy, we are calling on Harvard to completely divest its endowment from the fossil fuel industry,” the petition reads.  MORE

8 Comments on Petition to Divest Harvard from Fossil Fuels Signed by Less Than 1% of Students

  1. No such thing as “fossil” fuels.
    Might as well divest themselves of Unicorn Fart Producers.

    One must stay in school a long time to become THAT foolish!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “Petition to Divest Harvard from Fossil Fuels Signed by Less Than 1% of Students”

    …so they’ll do it anyway because, virtue signalling…

    …if we’ve learned nothing ELSE about Democrats in the last election cycle, we saw that they REALLY don’t care about people’s “votes” if it gets in the way of what the “leaders” want…

  3. …don’t read too much into this. The OTHER 99% probably think that everyone ELSE should quit using “fossil fuels”, but that they, the ELITE, should be exempt from doing so, as usual…


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