Petition to Recall Gov. Newsom Hits Staggering Number of Signatures, Could Reach Goal of 1.5M – IOTW Report

Petition to Recall Gov. Newsom Hits Staggering Number of Signatures, Could Reach Goal of 1.5M

Western Journal: The recall effort against Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom has collected 1.2 million of the 1.5 million signatures needed ahead of a March 17 deadline, according to the Washington Examiner.

Rescue California, the group leading the recall, is aiming for at least 2 million signatures because the office of California’s secretary of state has said that only about 84 percent of the signatures on the petition appear valid, KUSI-TV reported.

Rescue California has raised $1.7 million to reach its goal, according to The Wall Street Journal. more

8 Comments on Petition to Recall Gov. Newsom Hits Staggering Number of Signatures, Could Reach Goal of 1.5M

  1. Will fail unless the GOP stops putting up radical left wingers. Check out the ’20 DNC; 2 of the “featured speakers” were leftists the Cal GOP told us were conservative! They lost because voters know a liberal when they see one!
    Cal GOP has run far left folk for 25 year.
    Arnie , like Ronny, was ROGUE! Unlike Ronny the GWB folk got. tdo QArnie in ‘o4!

  2. Better to go for 3 million signatures.

    Covert petition killers can destroy a petition by secretly running an operation to sign invalid signatures and subvert the whole petition effort.

  3. @Anonynmous — and although it’s illegal to jin up bogus petitions/signatures, no one ever gets prosecuted for doing it.

    How does the state know that only 84% “appear” valid? That’s a mighty precise number for a state whose voter rolls include underage, illegal alien, deceased, and made up registered voters.

  4. Rumor has it, there’s enough as of yet uncounted votes to put him over the top. I believe he will be recalled. People are sick to death of his little Covid dictator shit. But even more importantly is he’s a terrible public speaker. In the long run that will have a bigger impact on the simple minded.


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