Petition to Recall Michigan Governor Passes 150,000 Signatures – IOTW Report

Petition to Recall Michigan Governor Passes 150,000 Signatures Over the last week, Michigan Democrat governor Gretchen Whitmer has decided seemingly by fiat to extend her stay-at-home order. So now buying anything she considers “non-essential,” such as children’s car seats and seeds to grow food, or motor-boating and entering any residence that one doesn’t own, is banned. But you can still buy lottery tickets and alcohol (priorities!).

She’ll also be imposing a $1,000 fine on anyone not standing at least six feet apart.

It’s clearly obvious that she, along with other power-hungry Democrat politicians, have only one goal—amassing more power. As Kurt Schlichter at Townhall put it today, “[y]ou might think it was mind-bendingly stupid if you did not understand her real motivation – it’s the giddy joy of bossing you around.”


33 Comments on Petition to Recall Michigan Governor Passes 150,000 Signatures

  1. I just signed the petition. It’s up to 192,000+ now.

    Michiganders, please sign the petition! Click on the “more” link and then on Bongino’s site, click on the petition link.

    We can’t take much more of her dicator-like power grab.

    Jimmy, it’s not just you. She IS what you said!

  2. Hopefully Michigan voters will realize that Governor Witless’ job is non-essential and give her the boot. But I don’t think the majority of Michigan voters are that smart or they would have rejected her in the first place.

  3. Crackerbaby and I have no bragging rights.

    Idiots in Virginia elected coon man/kkk klansman/shoe polish face Northam who is wreaking havoc over our civil liberties and snuffing babies worse than anyone in the country.

    Virginia used to be sane. No more.

    Time to win the next election..or leave for good

    It’s come down to that.

    Moving is a pain in the ass and doing so now would be an act of surrender.

    Stay and fight to defeat these yankee carpetbagging abortionist cocksucking miserable subhuman lifeforms.

    Yeah. I’ve got a bit of a chip on my shoulder and itching for a confrontation.

  4. Supernightshade – I’m assuming there are gradations to brain box disease, even for Democrats. She’s in the foul, ‘rotten bowl of fruit’ category. Only the evil machinations of a Hillary exorcism with its head-spinning, green puke would be worse.

  5. I have liberal family in Detroit suburbs who voted for her and, of course, love the Obamas. I used to enjoy traveling for family get together and lakeside vacations but I can’t take them anymore, sadly.

  6. The police in my area of Michigan are thankfully being pretty lax on enforcing Witless’s orders as long as you are common sense distancing. As an example if you’re interested go to YouTube and search “Streamtime live Port Huron” and you’ll see one of our ship cams looking out over the St. Clair river shoreline where Lake Huron empties from the north. The two bridges are the Blue Water Bridges that connect Michigan and Ontario, Canada. If you rewind to the 20:25 time you will see a lake freighter heading north into lake Huron just a few minutes ago. Notice the vehicles parked along the parkway watching the river. The police haven’t been harassing them. Also you can find a video of a Peregrine Falcon that was perched next to the camera several days ago. They like to nest under the bridges. (You want to click on the blue circle symbol at the top)

  7. I feel your pain @erb.

    We used to return to cape cod until it became insufferable.

    Haven’t returned for many years.

    Too many finger wagging douche nozzles for me.

    I actually enjoyed living there in the early 90s.

    And would love one last fishing expedition off Pollack rip just south of Monomoy.

    But the asshole liberals have ruined that, too.

  8. PHenry got it right.
    “…Now the work gets harder. You need over 1.5 mllion signatures to get rid of her…”

    This online petition is symbolic only. It takes over a million of state residents to actually recall her. Good luck with that.

  9. If the petition does one thing it will be that it keeps her out of VP contention. Nobody wants to write off Michigans vote. There may not be any balls to the petition but it shows that the state is turning away from her.

  10. She’s a crazy bitch. I don’t think Biden will touch her. Well, he’ll touch her touch her, but not for Veep.
    He needs to stay far a way from any female he’s not related to now.

  11. We tried to get our idiot lesbian governor recalled last year. After a group got a petition going, then the stupid republican party decided to start a second petition. Some people who signed the first petition were confused and didn’t sign the second one (and vice-versa)for fear their signature would be negated. Total cluster fuck, and as a result, neither petition garnered enough signatures. If the idiot republicans had stayed out of it, there would likely have been enough sigs to put it to a vote. But then it would have been an uphill battle, because Portland/Salem/Eugene loves Kate.

  12. “If 90 out of 100 people believe strongly enough to vote for something,
    and 10 out of 100 believe strongly enough to kill for something,
    The 10 will rule the 100.”
    (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin))

    A quote, not a suggestion.
    The gov will wipe its ass with the petition.

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. I was supposed to fly up to Detroit next week for my mother’s 80th birthday party. My step-dad is so cowed by everything going on he just canceled it. Maybe later this summer….

  14. Tony R – Same goes for CA’s Newsom recall. The person who has 2nd most should send the biggest petition holder the names. It’s ridiculous there are people who let butthurt , vanity and money to stand in the way of a common goal.


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