Petsmart Shows the Risk as the Stampede of Corporate Virtue Regarding Black Lives Matter Takes Place – IOTW Report

Petsmart Shows the Risk as the Stampede of Corporate Virtue Regarding Black Lives Matter Takes Place


One offshoot of the current movement in the country is corporations have still not learned their lesson on activism.

As we are enduring the ongoing strife of the call for racial unity in the nation, in between the violence and property damage, an aspect that is grating is the calling out for collective guilt to be felt. On social media, we see a call for people to admit their racism or end up becoming called racist for denying it — a handy consequence for activists. On television we are scolded that apathy or abstinence from the argument is tantamount perpetuating hate, and electing to stand aside is aiding the supposed enemy.

One ridiculous sidelight to this ‘’silence is violence’’ narrative is that companies are being compelled to flood the zone with their ‘’appropriate’’ messaging in order to be viewed as correctly woke. There has been no shortage of corporate missives, mission statements, and manifestos that properly come forward and declare how they oppose racial strife. This is becoming both a risible practice but also a minefield for businesses wishing to be viewed properly.

Last week it was declared to be Blackout Tuesday and there was an endless string of corporations and businesses coming out with their version of compulsory signaling. Business social media accounts posted pithy catchphrases or resorted simply to displaying black squares, basically doing the bare minimum to show they were doing something. This group effort was perfectly satirized by The Babylon Bee.

Joining in this practice is a new entry, one from the animal supply chain Petsmart. I think most would agree that when it comes to accepting guidance on the inflammatory issue of race relations we all turn to the country’s fishtank purveyors on what is proper comportment. When picking up mealworms and the painted replacement shells for your hermit crabs who has not lingered at the register, in town square fashion, to exchange ideas on addressing the systemic challenges facing rural blacks impeding their pathways to secondary education? Keep Reading

18 Comments on Petsmart Shows the Risk as the Stampede of Corporate Virtue Regarding Black Lives Matter Takes Place

  1. If the China virus and cheap china products don’t kill their business, then pissing off their mainline customers certainly will.
    Although Target’s still here…kinda.
    Seems being woke about some things is no guarantee it will cover you with others!

  2. November 27th 2020 should be epic. Black Friday, in between white privilege, surrounded by honoring black lives matter….IT’S A REGULAR OREO WEEKEND!….Plus, it will be at the start of the next flu season. Buy your latest face masks with your Uncle Tom turkey the week before….

  3. For once I’d love to see a Korporate Amerika company have it’s website say
    *Giving Back – we pay our fair share of taxes and we refuse to take advantage of any form of Crony Capitalist Corporate Welfare
    *Equal opportunity – We hire veterans with honorable discharges. We believe in Rev King’s ” judge me by the content of my character. ” We hire those with the best merit, not the right melanin-du-jour
    *Environment – we don’t pollute. Period. Global Warming? Yeah, I got your global warming right here.
    *Mission Statement – to make a profit legally and stay in business.

  4. Hey hey ho ho sells the same shit for less and delivers those fifty pound bags of dog food to.

    Yo door.


    Don’t you think?

    Petsmart is to animal care as Dick’s is to sporting goods.

    Hey Dick’s, just by the way, now that you voluntarily exited firearm sales, how’s the other sales going now that there is no baseball, basketball, hockey, football or golf?

    Idiots can’t rub two nickels together now.

    I guess petsmart can still sell gerbils for their masked little friends.

  5. I make my own dog food. Get a bag of brown rice, green beans,peas, etc then switch off from beef to chicken. The bagged dog foods are poison. Only dog food I get are chews to clean her teeth.

  6. Doesn’t anybody remember what Churchill said about appeasement?
    We’re about to go toe to toe with the fookin Chinee!
    Wake the hell up all you protestor dumbasses and get ready to get drafted

  7. Insanity. I spend a lot there to supply the herd of cats we feed. Never mind Petstupid the Pet Supplies Plus is 1/2 a mile down the road and an independent seller is 1/4 a mile in the other direction. While we’re on the topic Chewy is now owned by Petsmart.

  8. Screw the corporate virtue-signalers!

    petscum and all the rest import most of their cheap toxic crap from china. I went through every single brand of dog food they sell one by one and after months of cleaning up dog vomit from my floors I gave up on the entire pre-packaged dog food scams that one and all claim to only sell the “finest, bestest, pure-est, and totally non-toxic” dog food ever…. despite the FACT that their pre-packaged dog food has sickened and killed MANY dogs!

    If you REALLY care about your dog and love them as much as you say you do then you can buy a 50lb bag of white rice, cans of pre-cooked mixed veggies, and add in your own hamburger, chicken, or fish and make sure that your pet is well cared for your own self.

    Once I gave up the pre-packaged poisons both my doggies have not puked in years!

    Plus, when you break down the costs of feeding people food to your dogs you will find that in most cases it is cheaper than buying the pre-packed poisons when you factor in ALL the costs associated with the two different methods.

    Bulk purchases of rice & hamburger has been the cheapest way to go for me and my pooches love it. When our local markets put haddock or other fresh-caught fish on sale we give them that for treats and to throw in a change up every now and then in their diet.

    Doggie pro-biotics and cold-pressed alaska salmon fish oil are the only reasons I still go to places like petscum, but as soon as I can find somewhere else I buy these products with CASH I will never give petscum another dime.

    If I cannot buy something with CASH then I do not need it and will NOT buy it, period.

    The creditcards and money lenders can take their 30% interest rates and cram them right up where the sun don’t shine because I do NOT pay other people for access to my money if I can help it at all…. and PLEASE do NOT get me started on banks and how they have put a strangle hold on everyone who does not bow down to their forms of thievery because I truly HATE BANKSTERS and all they stand for with their fractional reserve currency scams!!!!


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