Pfizer Adverse Events List Released – IOTW Report

Pfizer Adverse Events List Released


h/t Garrett Ziegler.

Pfizer Adverse Events List For The Injection Goes Viral As Humanity Wakes Up To The Greed of the ‘Rona Tyrants.

National File:

Savvy Internet users are circulating “CONFIDENTIAL” data quietly released from Pfizer showing many dangerous adverse events stemming from the Pfizer-BioNTech Coronavirus vaccine. Pfizer sent the document to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as part of its authorization process with the revolving-door regulatory agency, and now the document is out there and people are very angry. The “post-authorization” adverse events list starts on page 30 of this document. The report, compiled by the “Worldwide Safety” division of Pfizer, is entitled “CUMULATIVE ANALYSIS OF POST-AUTHORIZATION ADVERSE EVENT REPORTS OF PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) RECEIVED THROUGH 28-FEB-2021.”  HERE IS THE LINK TO A PDF OF THE DOCUMENT.

The FDA recently delayed an advisory committee member on authorizing the vaccine for babies as young as six months old, which made CNN and Dr. Fauci very sad. Even The New York Times had to run the headline “Pfizer Shot Is Far Less Effective in 5- to 11-Year-Olds Than in Older Kids, New Data Show.” People all over the world are waking up to the madness of Coronavirus and vaccine tyranny, as evidenced by the spirited Canadian Trucker occupation of Ottawa — which caused Justin Trudeau to flee his capital city dwelling — and the human rights protests all over Europe and in some areas of the United States. Meanwhile, as I reported: Documents obtained by NATIONAL FILE show that the University of Pennsylvania, which hosts and funds Joe Biden’s think tank called the Penn Biden Center, directly profits from the sale of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna Coronavirus vaccines. The University gets more money if more vaccines are sold. The University of Pennsylvania also gets “milestone payments” when the Biden administration’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves a Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, which represents a massive conflict of interest for Biden. BioNTech pays the University of Pennsylvania Board of Trustees directly, and the university is protected from civil liability if people try to sue for “bodily injury” or “death” caused by BioNTech vaccines.

Where is Fauci?

16 Comments on Pfizer Adverse Events List Released

  1. The All Cause of Death stat is up over 1 million in the first year of the vax vs an average of the last 5 years.

    VAERS has been reporting 1,000s of deaths attributed to the vax for months. And the adverse effects reported to VAERS has been steadily climbing since the injections began and is now well over 1 million. And that reporting is estimated to be over 40x UNDER reported.

    Life insurance companies are reporting a 40-80% increase in claims in the first year of the vax and one company said a 10% increase in one year is a once in a 200 year occurrence.

    Seen this? Some of the “sudden deaths” in the last week

    So who’s going to go to prison?


  2. Who’s going to prison? Those that did not comply. Those who are not in the database of “vaccine” recipients.

    We’re in a lull in the efforts right now, brought on by the mid-terms. If the votes are counted in same manner as last time, those that did not comply will be herded and dealt with.

    It’s foolish to think otherwise. This is a pause in the efforts, not the cessation of the efforts.

  3. Great.

    Now let’s see the studies on mutanagency and teratrogenacy.

    …you know, since it is “safe and effective” for pregnant women and developing babies and all, as they say even though they said it when it was 100% impossible for them to KNOW that and we’ve never seen THAT data either…

    …Thalidomide’s got nothing on you, I’d wager, though with this media and Democrats in charge, we’ll never know…

  4. Transplant patients being forced to get the cash cow covid shot and kidney, liver, and heart damage are all on the list.
    Autoimmune diseases. I saw lupus.
    Skin problems, lung issues.
    Women’s reproductive system destroyed.
    Did someone say population control?
    Killer shots.

    Too bad media is ignoring this.
    These people are criminals. Where’s Fauxci? Another criminal.

  5. Is Trump aware of these adverse deadly effects of his Warp Speed jab? I don’t believe he is and will refuse to believe his Warp Speed jab hasn’t saved millions of lives. A man has to look at himself in the mirror, adjust his tie, and say “job well done.”

  6. mickey moussaoui March 4, 2022 at 8:27 am

    Print out this report and hand it in to the bastards who hounded you to get the jab.
    Too bad there are no real journalists anymore.

    It can be sent here, Trump will get it – maybe. His handlers will hide it from him, – bad press ya know. This is coming back to bite a lot of people in warp speed.

    The Mar-A-Lago Club
    Palm Beach, Florida

    Just 2 months ago (December 28, 2021), Trump was still telling people to get the jab, it saves millions of lives he says!

    Trump TRIPLES down on the deadly vax; claims to have saved millions of lives with Operation Warp Speed
    Tuesday, December 28, 2021 by: Ethan Huff

  7. Informed consent has been frustrated, if not totally compromised. Colluding with government and the media in keeping the information from people combined with Big Pharma colluding with the Deep State and media to force mandates is why this will not end well for Big Pharma. Had they stayed in their own lane and simply developed these pseudo vaccines and been honest they had some chance, but they were climbing a money tree using a noose around their neck as a safety harness.

    Once a speck of blood is in the water, which is soon the Trial Lawyer Sharks are going on a feeding frenzy… and their politician buddies will be right there with them profiting off of taking their “fair share” of Big Pharma’s ill gotten gains, and the media will be right there getting theirs. If you or a loved one seven times an hour adds up to a lot of revenue.

    That is how the game is played and Big Pharma’s greed has let this scenario be set up and that is how it will play out. I guarandamndtee it

  8. GET A ROPE !!!!!

    I NEVER got the poison jab, and NEVER EVER will… that said, let’s see what the long term effects of this DNA altering poison does to folks…

    I also am stocked up with Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine from India should I contract the virus again…


  9. So this become available in the middle of a Russian conflict that many want us to get involved in.
    S the media and the govt distracts ignoring this development

  10. Looks like fraud to me and the immunity goes out the window when fraud is involved lawsuits will happen but more importantly we need some firing squads for these criminals

  11. All these sinister jabs were paid for by public funds with no approval asked of the general public.

    To be fair, I think they should open the government armories so that we get free ammo for a big boogaloo to come. M’kay?

  12. This is coming out in the middle of the Russian-Ukraine conflict so that it can be hidden if the public thinks the Biden administration is to blame, but amplified during the midterms if they think Trump (and by extension Republicans) is to blame.


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