Pfizer and Wuhan Lab are… friendly – IOTW Report

Pfizer and Wuhan Lab are… friendly

National Pulse: Professor Guo Peixuan – a recipient of Pfizer’s Distinguished Faculty Award – lectured at the Wuhan Institute of Virology: the Chinese Communist Party-run lab believed by many to be the epicenter of COVID-19.

Guo, an Ohio State University Professor, visited the lab on October 24th, 2016 to deliver a lecture entitled the “Discovery of a Third Type of Biomotor.”

The unearthed lecture follows the American pharmaceutical giant drastically increasing its lobbying efforts amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, appearing to be responsible for nationwide COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

The National Pulse can reveal a link between Pfizer and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, adding to the company’s existing conflicts of interest with mainstream media and big technology platforms. The Chinese lab’s manipulation of “killer” coronaviruses capable of “direct human infection” has led many intelligence and public health officials to believe it spawned COVID-19 with funds from Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. more

7 Comments on Pfizer and Wuhan Lab are… friendly

  1. I am beginning to wonder..the resistance to implicating China and Fauci for weaponizing the Corona virus is now completed, the Truth has been suppressed. The anti science protocols, the complete usurpation of the medical community opinions replaced by the Media etc might indicate more than violent bigotry against conservatives by sub human Leftists..might this manufactured virus have a trajectory that is not a natural diminution of virulence but an ever increasing destruction of tissue and genetic mutation…? If so, the Democrats have destroyed not merely civilization, but humanity. With your last gasping Covid breath, such a vile species should be put down..

  2. There was a time when one could assume that pharmaceutical companies were engaged in research to improve the health of mankind. But with the parseltongued “negative population growth” movement and boosters like Bill “Reduce Global Population by 20%” Gates, one ought to assume that these companies may now be oriented to that goal, thinly veiled by their past reputations.

  3. Here’s (yet another reason. The biggest reason) why the immunity from liability isn’t going to be worth The paper it was written on. Big Pharma thinks they have it made in the shade and are acting recklessly (to say the least), they are drunk with money and blinded by arrogance right now. BUT, their actions have opened up chinks in that armor I could throw Oprah’s fat ass through. I’m not an attorney, yet I can recognize that.

    Once there is blood in the water and the legal sharks are in a feeding frenzy the money flowing into the pockets of the trial lawyers will make Big Pharma’s bribes look like chump change and trust me on this, the judiciary is going to rule in favor of their own tribe. Many times they will have the law on their side in these rulings, but the judiciary has become so corrupt that they won’t give a shit if it is or isn’t. The progressive movement, the Democrats and establishment Republicans, have respectively publicly encouraged this and clandestinely allowed the judicial fuckery to rule the country and have destroyed the meaning of the rule of law in the process. In a nut shell, the law means whatever serves the Democrats and establishment Republicans immediate interest, and fuck the poor bastards who are paying the bills.

    Mark my words, hold me to account and call me out if I am wrong, but once the liability feeding frenzy is getting underway and the trial lawyers start funneling money into the pockets of politicians and the media it will be Katie bar the door. Big Pharma and the money flowing through them to the media and politicians is going to be met by the trial lawyers and then some and at that point it is going to be the trial lawyers who win that race. The judges are from the tribe of the trial lawyers, not corporate lawyers, the politicians are from the tribe of the trial lawyers, not corporate lawyers and are going to prefer the former irrespective of what the law actually says and the Big Pharma will be up against an equally deep pockets purchaser of media bias.

  4. Thought..about 5000 years ago, some genetic improvements occurred that began to diminish clan warfare which had decimated the human population. These genetic or God created genes lifted mankind from an animalistic perception of Reality, survival from attack, to a Reality that included a broader tapestry of the world to include creating new methods for living, building for the future , the value of the individual , empathy and humor . Thus Civilizations grew and were defended as possible against attack, war and natural disasters. From within and out, Civilized people were destroyed ultimately by those without the genes…exhibited by limited survival perceptions, self loving only ( how else could you run from certain death if you had to take your kids and wife,,,these were people not at the Alamo or signing the Declaration). Humorless, laughing only at character assassination or foul words, lacking empathy, hiding among groups they create and , if endangered, running through lies or, if powerful , mass murder. communist, Democrats etc are this parasitic group…so they create Covid but cannot control it and as sub humans do not value Noble man so the approach is mRNA treatments which over time will change your basic gene structure, mutated by the jabs…this, once mankind is mutated enough, will hopefully negate the virus as we become a kind of virus ourself…nothing lost of your humanity if you do not have a soul this why J and J is either not mentioned, or if mentioned, it is trashed? Is this a manmade evolutionary moment, is this why draconian measures are taken to denigrate Ivermectin etc leaving only mRNA approaches, is this why they are wrestling with vaccinating the children and young who are to give birth of Noble man or the mutated man? Somehow, coerce without backlash…? Oh well.

  5. Once there is blood in the water and the legal sharks are in a feeding frenzy the money flowing into the pockets of politicians and the media from the trial lawyers …

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