Pfizer CEO Says “Normal Life” Won’t Return Without Regular COVID Vaccinations – IOTW Report

Pfizer CEO Says “Normal Life” Won’t Return Without Regular COVID Vaccinations

“I don’t think that this means that we should be able to live our lives without having vaccinations.”

Summit News:

The CEO of the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer says that normal life will return within a year, but not for those who don’t have regular COVID-19 vaccinations.

During an appearance on ABC This Week with George Stephanopoulos, Albert Bourla was asked about when he foresaw the end of the pandemic.

“Within a year, I think we will be able to come back to normal life,” said Bourla, although he made it very clear that this statement only applies to those who are prepared to take regular coronavirus booster shots.

“I don’t think that this means that variants will not be continuing coming,” Bourla added. “And I don’t think that this means that we should be able to live our lives without having vaccinations, basically.”

Bourla said that the “most likely scenario” was “annual re-vaccinations” due to the emergence of “new variants.” more

32 Comments on Pfizer CEO Says “Normal Life” Won’t Return Without Regular COVID Vaccinations

  1. Saw a story yesterday that Pfizer is prepping mRNA flu vaccines now. Pretty soon mRNA vaxes will be the only kind available for anything that used to use old school methods. They’ll get you no matter what, da bastards.

  2. Wouldn’t it be nice if this cocksucker’s life never returned to normal because he was hounded to the gates of Hell by righteously wrathful people? Him, and a couple dozen like him. Vax factories need to start burning.

  3. From the crony capitalist to the new totalitarian’s (Democrats) ears . Can’t have small businesses any more since that will promote the spread of a disease that has over 99% recovery rate. Everyone will either work for a big corporation or will receive support from the government (paid for by the big corporations).

  4. To make this kind of statement ignores the fact that herd immunity even exists.
    Herd immunity builds over time as the population is exposed to the virus… but it doesn’t have a revenue stream attached to it!

    Pump up the revenue! Pump up the revenue! Pump up the revenue! Pump up the revenue!
    We’re gonna need you
    Brothers and sisters
    Pump up the revenue
    Pump pump it and pay

  5. As of Sept. 3, the vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS) had received 675,591 reports of adverse events following vaccination. Of these, there were 14,506 deaths, 6,422 heart attacks and 5,371 cases of pericarditis or myocarditis.

  6. Their intent is to squish you at the job site or your work. If you’re not vaccinated no worky. First it was 100 employees or more now they’re saying 50, soon to be 10 then 2.
    No food for the rebels next. I wonder what happens when you try and starve an arm population? Let me check history.

  7. @ Old Coot.
    We have this big tree up north at the cottage,people are constantly shooting guns at targets attached to it.
    Maybe in a hands across the boarder type of way i could invite this CEO up.
    You work on it in your end,I’ve got my end covered.
    Or just come on up, we could fish or generally just screw around in boats!

  8. “annual re-vaccinations”
    Oh, you mean like the annual flu vaccination?
    But with mRNA – which makes it not-a-vaccination?
    Makes me even more glad that I haven’t had a wuflu shot, not a flu vacc for at least the past ten years
    (I’d get the flu shot on a Friday, be sick over the weekend, recover by Monday or Tuesday. Finally said, “Enough!” Especially when I learned the low rate of effectiveness of that year’s shot. Experts guessed wrong – again))

  9. My invitation to Old Coot does not end there.
    i have a nice place in North Ontario with all the amenity’s you would expect from a urban condo.except it has bugs and shit.
    We can take the pontoon out to laze around on the water or we can be up at the crack of dawn to pretend to catch fish.
    One thing i know for sure is sitting in the gazebo at 5:00 in the morning, coffee in hand,watching the sun rise is quite relaxing.Until you have to tie fishing knots.Alexb

  10. “Beachmom SEPTEMBER 29, 2021 AT 2:28 PM

    You know what buddy? You can pound sand.
    You aren’t the boss of me.”

    Beachmom is awesome.

    If you didn’t know that already.


    “I don’t think that this means that we should be able to live our lives without having vaccinations.”

    I hate double negative sentences by moronic, lying, double-speakers.


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