Pfizer Confirms It Ended COVID-19 Vaccine Pregnancy Trial Early – IOTW Report

Pfizer Confirms It Ended COVID-19 Vaccine Pregnancy Trial Early

The company said that enrollment in the study stopped in the fourth quarter of 2021 after health experts, including the U.S. Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, began recommending the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for pregnant women. MORE

See Also: Stillbirths nearly doubled in Singapore, one of the world’s most mRNA vaccinated countries, in 2022.

12 Comments on Pfizer Confirms It Ended COVID-19 Vaccine Pregnancy Trial Early

  1. About that Singapore stillbirths report, Alex Berenson just now published a correction/update. The good news is that the stillbirth rate HAS NOT gone up; the Singaporean med system peeople just changed the criteria and that made the numbers jump frighteningly. Berenson is appropriately apologetic.

  2. I’m actually surprised that Singapore was that stupid.
    They are one of the FEW Countries I admire PLUS they still have Caning for Little Bastard Vandals.

  3. “Pfizer Confirms It Ended COVID-19 Vaccine Pregnancy Trial Early ”

    Well, yeah, but only because the participants kept miscarrying. It was a total success, if you don’t count all the failures…

  4. Not just Pfizer, but all of you pseudoseutical charlatans who got fat on COVID fear and political manipulation were OK with the slaughter of the innocents as well.

    You care NOTHING for the infants you’ve slaughtered in the womb and after delivery. You have no concern for the children you have maimed, paralized, poisoned, corrupted their DNA, the heart problems you have caused them and the cancers to come. You are not burdened by the birth defects you have caused them, and caused their own children in the few you may have not sterilized. None of this affects YOUR money or YOUR freedom because you did a solid for the party of satan, and satan takes care of his own until they are no longer useful, though your reprobate minds don’t consider that end.

    You guys never completed ANY mutanagenic, teratogenic, or gestational studies on your murderous poison, yet without ANY DATA AT ALL it was hawked by FUCKING POLITICIANS as “sAfE aNd EfFeCTiVe” for pregnant women.

    That’s why the blank datasheet that the EUA allows you to have instead of the usual PDR entries concerning side effects and pregnancy.

    So no woman can have informed consent for the health of their unborn daughters.

    So no man can have enough information to decide what’s best for his gestating son.

    Go to hell.

    “Thus saith the LORD; A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rahel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not.”

    Jeremiah 31:15

    May you all suffer the fate of Herod an hundredfold as YOUR slaughter of the innnocents was 100 times WORSE.

    “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.”
    Luke 17:2

    An eterinty is not enough.

    Damn you all.

    And that right soon.

    And if ever I have the opportunity to speed your trip, I WILL.

    And I am not alone.

    …and Anymouse, as you well know, I have grieved with the and still carry that grief in my heart with many others, but I do believe that sinless child has dwelled ever since with the Lord in happiness and yet awaits his grandpa in Heaven.

    We PM from time to time so I want to be careful about oversharing, but I will remind you that you did get a wonderful blessing as well. Revel in that blessing every day and do not let what the passing curse of evil men did darken your heart to it, and while you should never forget what might have been, keep your heart on that which will be, which is all that you can control.


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