Pfizer Documents Released By Court Order Show 3.7% Death Rate From Vaccine – IOTW Report

Pfizer Documents Released By Court Order Show 3.7% Death Rate From Vaccine


According to documents released through court order, 3.7% of the cases Pfizer looked at for ‘adverse events’ died, and Pfizer prevented all the data being released – so at this time it is impossible to tell the exact death rate – the bottom line is this is a mass murder event.

Dr. Naomi Wolf has been going through the tens of thousands of pages of documents a Federal court forced Pfizer to release from its FDA submission for Covid-19 mRNA vaccine approval.

She released the data on War Room Pandemic this morning.

Shockingly, the initial data showed a death rate of 3.7% with a much higher rate of serious injury.

In other words, with 100M people vaccinated in the United States, there have been almost four million deaths and millions beset with life-altering injuries.

The amount of vaccines shipped by Pfizer was redacted in the documents. more here

18 Comments on Pfizer Documents Released By Court Order Show 3.7% Death Rate From Vaccine

  1. And the virus was allegedly around 2-4% early on.
    vs Flue 1-2%
    and very dependent on age & other contributing factors…

    Good Job WHO, WEF, MSM, UN etc.

  2. I want the truth. But “3.7% of the cases Pfizer looked at for ‘adverse events’ died” is only of adverse events, and only of the ones Pfizer looked at. This is not everyone who got the shot.

  3. They should be sued into oblivion, the guilty parties charge criminally, and their headquarters building(s) used as a memorial to the mass-murder victims, al’a Auschwitz.

    I’ll not be holding my breath in anticipation of same.

  4. Cmn¢¢guy April 24, 2022 at 1:39 pm

    “How about the 84.9% percent of all patients died after more than 96 hours on a ventilator.
    How about the deaths from Remdesivir.”

    Yeah. There is an article in The New American’s latest issue, which shows the incentive money paid to Hospital Adminstruators showing payouts for:

    Positive COVID cases,
    Mandating testing for COVID upon admission to the hospital (or admiitted to the ER), using (high-cycling numbers likely) PCR testing
    Using Remdesivir,
    Use of the ventilator,
    AND, deaths due to COVID (while doctors disregard comorbidities or other causes); and,
    Additional payouts that match the MediCare bills (incentivizing the patient to go along with the procedures).

    Payouts range from around $13,000 to $56,000 per patient. Several, to many hospitals in every state have, so far, received these taxpayer-supplied payouts.

    Up to several months ago (when the data was collected) the lowest recipient state was New York at around $12,000. The highest recipient was West Virginia at $425,000 (many very elderly in that state)!!! All remaining states were in-between these dollar amounts with hospitals participating in this murder-for-money scheme.

  5. Someday I do believe it will all be known, the only problem is the only ones left to know it will be those who refused the shots, the illegals and those in power who said they got the shots, but truly did not.

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