Pfizer offered Canadian Dr. Paul Alexander $1 million & $50,000 month wage to stop writing about them – IOTW Report

Pfizer offered Canadian Dr. Paul Alexander $1 million & $50,000 month wage to stop writing about them

First- from Mar 9, 2021: Dr. Paul E. Alexander blasts Fauci over ‘shifting goalposts’ on COVID with Laura Ingraham.

Dr. Paul Alexander: Pfizer offered me $1 million & $50,000 month wage; was this to stop writing & hammering them/Bourla?; I have had limited patchy broken income due to being cancelled, smeared; I said NO!

I joined McCullough, Malone, Vanden Bossche, Oskoui, Rische, Tenenbaum, Trozzi, Wolf, Urso et al. willingly, to wage battle for society & our children as doctors & scientists & governs failed, evil.

Yes, this happened. But I want no job from these people for what they did with the vaccine is horrendous. No doubt the inference is that I would not call out Bourla again. Of course. Of course no one would put this in writing but of course this ask about a job was to limit me. Of course if I worked for Pfizer I would be muted complete from that moment on. Its how it works in any organization, you work for them, you advance their narrative and vision and mandate. Not yours. We all know this. In this case, this is how people like me can be muted and its done all the time, put you on pay role. Bottom line is I am a contrarian, skeptic etc. and will continue to question all the wrongs done since the start of this pandemic. Every single step by governments, their Task Forces, have failed. The vaccine has failed, its ineffective with negative efficacy, and its not properly safe. Its harmful. IMO, what we know indicates this vaccine must be stopped.

To me, the battle is so huge, so transformational, that a POTUS could be so mislead that decisions were made Feb/March 2020 that shaped the next 2 years in the US and world and negatively so. Of course I cannot be part of that nor would ever consider it. I am in the fight for my peoples, my family, my children and the world I will leave behind one day. I have lost enough that I cannot go back now. As they say “balls to the wall”! more

6 Comments on Pfizer offered Canadian Dr. Paul Alexander $1 million & $50,000 month wage to stop writing about them


    I’ll stop writing about them for half that.

    And I’ll bond it all, that I won’t video myself snorting a gerbil out of some hooker’s ass.

    Pfizer! You NEED to get back to me!

  2. With no apologies to Country Joe and the Fish
    Well, come on “Scientists”, let’s move fast;
    Your big chance has come at last.
    Now you can go out and get those Meds
    ‘Cause the only the unvaxxinated are good as dead
    And you know that peace can only be won
    When we Cardiac ’em all to kingdom come.
    And it’s one, two, three,
    What are we Vaxxinated for ?
    Don’t ask me, I don’t give a damn,
    Next stop is the Crematorium
    And it’s Dose five, six, seven,eight
    Open up the pearly gates,
    Well there ain’t no time to wonder why
    Whoopee! we’re all gonna die.
    Come on dummies throughout the land,
    Pack your boys off to Vaxxinationland
    Come on fathers, and don’t hesitate
    To send your sons off before it’s too late.
    And you can be the first ones in your block
    To have your boy come home in a box.
    And it’s Dose five,,eight
    open up the pearly gates
    Don’t forget Your A.I.D.S. Test.


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