Pfizer Quietly Adds Warning That ‘Unfavorable Pre-Clinical, Clinical Or Safety Data’ May Impact Biz – IOTW Report

Pfizer Quietly Adds Warning That ‘Unfavorable Pre-Clinical, Clinical Or Safety Data’ May Impact Biz

Roman Balmakov is on the case!

see also: Pfizer pulls plans to have COVID vax for kids under 5 approved this month.

9 Comments on Pfizer Quietly Adds Warning That ‘Unfavorable Pre-Clinical, Clinical Or Safety Data’ May Impact Biz

  1. Can’t wait to hear the excuses from the medial professional and politicians who pushed these shots when the truth in the hidden info comes out.
    I hope they haven’t spent all that money.
    They’ll need it for their lawyers.

  2. Their attorneys have come to what I recognized a year ago. Once they colluded with govt, big tech and big media to mandate the shots, and withhold the information that the population needed to make an informed decision, all protections they have from liability they may halve enjoyed evaporated. Had they stayed in their own lane they would have been in a more tenable position. The Trial Lawyers are not going to let this opportunity pass them by without getting their cut. Add to that hundreds of millions of potential plaintiffs and big pharma and their deep pockets are the biggest, fattest target of all time. The Democrats are loaded with Trial Lawyers and Trial Lawyers have been buying politicians from both Parties for a century or longer and you do the math.

    Where Big Tobacco shit in their own mess kit is when they withheld information victims could have relied on to make an informed decision. Had they not screwed that pooch they would have been facing off against informed consumers who weighed the risk and made an informed decision, not victims. Irrespective of everything else, the withholding of information needed to make an informed decision transformed informed consumers into victims and this will be cited as precedent.

    I can’t see how they escape liability.


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