Pfizer Recalls FDA Approved Anti-Smoking Drug Due to High Levels of Ingredient Tied to Increased Risk of Cancer – IOTW Report

Pfizer Recalls FDA Approved Anti-Smoking Drug Due to High Levels of Ingredient Tied to Increased Risk of Cancer


Pfizer has recalled its anti-smoking drug Chantix due to high levels of an ingredient that is tied to increased risks of cancer the company says.

Chantix is an FDA approved anti-smoking drug, and the following notice was on the FDA’s website Thursday.

Pfizer sait it’s recalling Chantix 0.5 mg and 1 mg tablets to the consumer level due to the presence of N-nitroso-varenicline.

Long term ingestion of N-nitroso-varenicline can be associated with a “theoretical potential increased cancer risk in humans,” the notice said. However, there is no immediate risk to patients taking the drug.  more here

22 Comments on Pfizer Recalls FDA Approved Anti-Smoking Drug Due to High Levels of Ingredient Tied to Increased Risk of Cancer

  1. If smoking doesn’t kill you then Pfizer’s anti smoking drug Chantix may. I’m glad that I never smoked cigarettes like most of my family (my dad and 2 of my brothers) and my wife did till she finally quit cold turkey after nearly 20 years of smoking cigarettes.

  2. The side effects of taking any drug are almost always worse than the diseases they purport to cure. If you quit cold turkey you don’t get all the nasty side effects and suffer less life threatening side effects from drugs that promise to control your addictions.

  3. Anonymous September 20, 2021 at 9:10 am

    Pfizer must not have liability protection for Chantix.

    If they approved the drug, they have to pay the liability protection. You can sue Pfizer over Chantix but you can’t sue over the covid jab because it hasn’t been approved. They’re pulling Chantix off the market probably because 1 person died as a direct result of taking Chantix, but millions have died of the experimental jab, you’re screwed as is your family. One drug is free, the other you pay for. Taxpayers are paying to kill off those who step up, roll up their sleeve and have a smile on their face. Go for it – IT’S FREE!!!

  4. And as of September 10th Pfizer has killed 10,211 people or what we know about being reported to vaers that could be as high as 1,021,100.
    40,901 hospitalized due to Pfizer or as high as 4,090,100.

  5. “If they approved the drug, they have to pay the liability protection”

    That’s why Pfizer is going to keep jabbing their stuff under the EUA, even though they’ve gotten FDA approval for Cominternasty, which is chemically identical to the EUA poison. So people who get the jab now think they can sue Pfizer if they get sick because Pfizer is now liable had better look at the bottle before the needle goes in. Chances are it won’t say “Comirnaty” on it. That stuff will be going to places that nobody has the wherewithal to sue.

  6. I quit smoking almost 25 years ago to the day. At first I used one of those patches thinking it might help but I grew real tired real quick when every time I went to sleep I had a different dream of watching my daughter get killed in some sort of weird accident. I tossed the patch and cold turkey worked just fine and the dreams stopped. The only way you’re gonna quit is if you want to quit!

  7. More on deaths, all the vaccines have caused miscarriages, so those deaths should also be included, reported is 1,862 again times 100 as high as 186,200.

    The New England Journal of Medicine just reversed themselves and said new data shows the vaccines are not safe for pregnant women. That out of the 827 registered pregnant women, 104 experienced spontaneous abortion or 12.6% and 1 had a stillbirth.

    That’s why you don’t trust these people, these people know jack shit about mRna in humans because mRna could never get past animal trials, so you became the animal trials.

  8. You idiots need to dump every medication in your house in the trash now.

    OTCs and prescription….

    The FDA approved all of them…

    Yeah, including your cilias and viagra..


  9. Groucho – Merck originally manufactured Ivermectin but it is now off patent so very cheap generics are available. You really seem to be proud to continue proving your willful ignorance (or how easily you swallow and regurgitate govt. propaganda) by continuing to refer to ivermectin as a “horse wormer:. Close to 4 billion doses of ivermectin have been administered to humans since the 1980’s. It has one of the best safety profiles of any drug available worldwide.

    Try educating yourself more. This article should be a good start. It discusses how the Nobel prize winning drug ivermectin has been used for decades to treat parasites in humans and how many studies are proving its efficacy against COVID.

    By all measures ivermectin is much safer than the fake “vaccine” you keep pushing and it also appears to be at least as effective if not more so. No one knows the long term health effects from the mRNA poison vaccine, but ivermectin has proven over decades to have zero long term health effects on humans. It costs only pennies per dose, so treating millions of people with it would cost a small fraction of what is being spent on theh mRNA poison.

    This information proves that the “vaccine” is simply the govt. / corporate corruptocrats means of looting the treasury in plain sight. They truly don’t care that people are dying from the poison they are injecting into them. Why are you trying to help them in doing it?

  10. I’ve read that the ‘2 pills a day’ forever scheme that phizer is working on, is based on Ivermectin. They just want to alter it a bit so they can then patent it. And yes, they are that evil.

  11. groucho- check out incidence of chainese virus in Africa. They have a high usage of Ivermectin for parasites. Even with their sanitation and healthcare standards being less than what we have here, their rate of infection is well below ours.


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