Pfizer to begin selling generic version of Viagra – IOTW Report

Pfizer to begin selling generic version of Viagra

Dec. 6UPI) — Pharmaceutical company Pfizer announced Wednesday it will begin selling a generic version of its erectile dysfunction drug Viagra.

Beginning Monday, Pfizer will sell a generic version of sildenafil, the compound known by the brand name Viagra, in the United States for half the $65-per-pill retail price of the name-brand pill.

The new generic brand of sildenafil will use white pills to differentiate itself from Viagra’s “little blue pill.”

Viagra’s patent doesn’t expire until 2020, but four years ago Pfizer agreed to allow Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. to sell a generic version of the drug beginning in December 2017 as part of a legal settlement.

Pfizer introduced Viagra in March 1998 when it discovered sildenafil, a failed angina medication, caused men to get sustained erections.

Britain’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency announced last month the erectile dysfunction medication will be available for purchase over the counter beginning spring 2018.


36 Comments on Pfizer to begin selling generic version of Viagra

  1. A man goes to a female dentist to have a tooth extracted. She pulls out a large syringe to give him an anesthesia shot. “No way, no needles! I hate needles!” the man exclaims. So she starts to hook up the nitrous oxide tank and the man says, “I can’t do the gas thing either. Just the thought of having a mask on my face suffocates me.” The dentist then asks the patient if he had any objections to taking a pill. “No,” he says, “I’m fine with pills.” So the lady dentist gives him two little blue pills and he swallows them.
    “What did I just take,” he asked. “Viagra,” replied the dentist. “I’ll be damned,” said the man. “I didn’t know Viagra works as a pain killer.” “It doesn’t, said the wise lady, “But it’ll give you something to hold on to when I pull your tooth.”

  2. Viagra is probably the most common prescription filled at Grubbs Care Pharmacy. It’s probably also an intentionally overlooked factor in the current sexual harassment explosion. All these pervs walking around with hours of wood on their hands can’t be good at all.

  3. I wonder what kind of engineered-in difference Pfizer made between the original and the generic. Why would anybody pay $60+ per pill when the same thing is available for $30+?

  4. Never took one, don’t expect to. If the day comes when the sails won’t unfurl it’s time to stay at port.
    And whatever happened to the mentality “I don’t like taking drugs”?? I’ll wait for the wailing of the side effects plaintiffs.

    All those who are hooked on narcotics can thank their spinelessness, too.

  5. 19-yr-old cheerleaders sounds pretty good, but you might try homely middle-aged widows. Gratitude can be a very powerful motivator/stimulant, and you can always turn out the lights. (-:

  6. Elvis on how many Viagra tabs to take

    A-well it’s one for your honey
    Two for the flow
    Three to hold steady
    Now go, Coot, go
    But dont you .. toss out my blue steel pill
    Ah, you can do anything
    But lay off of my blue steel pill

    Oh it blurs my eyes
    Flush my face
    Got neck pain all over the place
    Oh,the side effects like to make me ill
    But uh, uh honey lay off of my pill
    And dont you .. toss out my blue steel pill
    Uh, you can do anything
    But lay off of my blue steel pill

    Well you can turn my kids
    Take my car
    Living in a box with my piss in a jar
    You can do anything that your cruel heart will
    But uh uh honey lay off of my pill
    And dont you .. toss out my blue steel pill
    Ah, you can do anything
    But lay off of my blue steel pill

    (Aaaah, thank you very much)

  7. Yeah, there definitely are side effect to a full tab of Viagra. So what you do is take half a tab. Cut the thing in half

    A half tab works for me, and if it works for me, it will work for anyone who has a slight ED problem. I had my prostate removed, so my entire erection-orgasm response crashed like a Commodore 64 using a Windows 95 OS. Yet a halfsie works for me.

  8. Revatio is it’s name o.
    It’s been available from Pfizer for a few years, it is 20mg dose of Sildenafil. Prescribed for hypertension in the lungs (PAH)… with GoodRx coupon it runs about 60 cents a pill. Extrapolate the benefit……$66.00 for (1)100mg Viagra or $3.00 for 4 or 5 20mg Revatio for the same “outcome”.

  9. If you buy from India, it’s like $0.50 per pill. I buy 80 100mg pills for $50. The shit is real man, I can do it 3 -4 times in a night and then first thing in the morning! I like taking 100 mg dose, it gives you a numbing feeling allowing you to control and hold off on the ‘happy ending’ almost as long as you want. I’ll go up to 30 – 45 minutes sometimes, drives the under 30 crowd crazy and old man like me (55) can bang ’em so much longer than their young studs…haha! Sometimes I’ll break them in half if I need to perform the next night too! Life is f’in good man!

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