‘Pharma Bro’ donated tens of thousands to the Democrats – IOTW Report

‘Pharma Bro’ donated tens of thousands to the Democrats

CFL: Martin Shkreli, CEO and founder of Turing Pharmaceuticals, has some colorful nicknames bestowed upon him by the press and the Democrats.

pharma bro

The baby-faced multi-millionaire son of Albanian and Croatian immigrants has referred to himself as “the world’s most eligible bachelor,” butthe press has tagged him with such colorful monikers as “pharma bro,” “biotech’s bad boy” and possibly the über-harsh “America’s most hated man.”

However, one certain sobriquet the media seems to have missed was ‘massive donator to the Democratic Party.”  more

17 Comments on ‘Pharma Bro’ donated tens of thousands to the Democrats

  1. @ Damn Global Warming

    Besides probable superficial ice, the brilliant officials apparently didn’t take into account the residual heat from cars that producing residual “body heat,” thereby adding to the temperature of the ice. Dumbshits.

  2. There is something else we need to consider. He’s not a disease, but a symptom of the sickness called the “Affordable” Care Act.

    He is a member of Big Pharma.
    Big Pharma, lobbyists and AARP wrote the ACA.
    Democrats are in bed with all three groups and vice-versa.
    Therefore, what he did will bring down no changes or sanctions.
    He is part of the gang.

    And me, you and the 53% will pay the bill.

  3. Is Big Pharma evil? Yeah, no doubt. Is Big Government evil? Affirmative. Is this guy a Punchable Face? Duh! However does a private company have the right to ask what they want for a product? Damn right they do. This is just more karma kickback of a populace that has allowed itself to “trust government” and become socialist over the last one hundred years. People are going to die. GET USED TO IT. Have a nice day.

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