Philadelphia airport workers plan to strike during DNC – IOTW Report

Philadelphia airport workers plan to strike during DNC

MSN: The fight to raise the minimum wage is headed to the doorstep of the Democratic National Convention, with local airport workers planning to go on strike when delegates descend upon Philadelphia next week.

Roughly 1,000 workers, including those who handle luggage, attend to passengers in wheelchairs and clean plane cabins, are expected to not show up for work in order to call attention to their demands for a $15 minimum wage and the ability to join the Service Employees International Union.

“It could be a one-day strike. It could be protracted,” SEIU spokesman  Marc Goumbri  said, adding that a majority of the workers voted for the action on July 12. “But it’s going to occur while delegates are in Philadelphia” for the Democratic National Convention.  more

15 Comments on Philadelphia airport workers plan to strike during DNC

  1. 20 years ago, I worked for a major airline (one that crashed a lot) as an aircraft cleaner. At that time, I was making about $16 and change per hour. Unless some things have drastically changed since then, these clowns are full of crap.

    I’m also here to tell you, that $15 an hour for cleaning airplanes, smashing bags, or rolling around wheelchairs is way to much.

    Minimum wage was never intended to provide a living wage. It is meant to provide training for kids just entering the workforce on how to show up on time, how to act like a professional, how to take orders, how to do a dirty job, and basically for learning a work ethic. It’s also for people who are leaving the work force who want to supplement their retirement, and to keep from being bored to death. These older workers are also the ones who teach the younger workers HOW to work.

    It was never meant for illegal aliens or those who are too stupid or lazy to get an education, to live off of. Give these wetbacks and lazy assholes the boot, keep the minimum wage around $7-8 per hour, and a lot of crime will evaporate due to bored kids having jobs instead of becoming drug addicts or thugs.

  2. Fuck em.
    Fire every one who doesn’t show up for work (without a valid excuse) and hire people who want to work (or have temps standing by, and later replace the slugs).
    With 94 Million out of work, it shouldn’t be too difficult.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. When I broke out in the oilfield it was made clear that there wasn’t one person that couldn’t be replaced by making one phone call. I was pretty motivated already but that was a good thing to know. Which reminds me, do you know why so many young men like the oilfield?………you have 5 gallon buckets of dope, 30 foot joints, and a pusher on every rig. Might have to have come from the oilfield to get that.

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