Philadelphia GOP Alleges Dead People Voted in Pennsylvania – IOTW Report

Philadelphia GOP Alleges Dead People Voted in Pennsylvania

Breitbart: The Republican Party in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is alleging that hundreds of dead people voted in the presidential election.

In a post on Saturday evening, the Philadelphia GOP said it found on the state’s website that at least 840 dead people voted in the election. The site details when a voter sent in his ballot and when it was tabulated.

At least 840 voters listed on the state’s website as having cast ballots in the election are 101 years old or older. At least 39 of those voters were so old they would have lived through the Civil War, and at least 45 were born sometime in the 1800s:


10 Comments on Philadelphia GOP Alleges Dead People Voted in Pennsylvania

  1. President Donald J. Trump is probably the most hated man in American politics since Abraham Lincoln, who was also vilified by a hostile press and his own Republican Party. Evidently, some of the kids that watched his funeral train pass through Philadelphia managed to vote for another old timer. I guess some things never change in the City of Brotherly Hate.

  2. Per that lawyer who was on the Trump campaign call, Detroit had 14,000 dead people REGISTERED and VOTING. One or two is an oversight, a dozen is an attempt, but 14,000? That’s coordinated vote fraud.


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