Philadelphia PD, LAPD, NYPD join boycott – IOTW Report

Philadelphia PD, LAPD, NYPD join boycott

tarantino q gun

[Breitbart] With the release date less than two months away, director Quentin Tarantino is currently engulfed in a public relations nightmare of the Oscar-winner’s own making. Late Wednesday afternoon, the Philadelphia police department joined its powerful counterparts in Los Angeles and New York in calling for a boycott against the director’s $80 million film “The Hateful Eight.”

11 Comments on Philadelphia PD, LAPD, NYPD join boycott

  1. Why don’t entertainers stay in their world of paid make-believe and act like the trained monkeys we pay them to be? When they venture into real-world issues, the things that make them great make-believers, cause them to go off the rails.

    This guy is just another Hollywood type, who is so far up his own ass, that he doesn’t realize he’s really pretty shallow. You know, like a reflecting pond. Five hundred feet long, a hundred feet wide, and six inches deep. No diving, fool!

  2. This guy has some nerve, have seen one of his movies, Pulp Fiction, hated it, didn’t watch to the end.
    Call me old school, I like the good guys to win.
    Typical Prog, has absolutely no self-awareness. It’s a mental disorder, they all suffer from it.
    Punchable face? Yes!

  3. Cops should quit patrolling his fancy-pants neighborhood and truck in a few hundred gang-bangers – and tell the gangsters that they are not going to respond to any 911 calls.

  4. I think buses should be waiting at the border to take the ILLEGAL ALIENS to the homes of these liberal jerks and each amnesty prone congress person and also straight to the Lawns of Washington DC. Oh, and at the prisons where Obama releases the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT criminals, also.

  5. Most of the Hollywood liberals live in a bubble and have no idea what it’s like in the real world. They also live in gated communities. Why not fill those gated communities full of the criminals that their idol, Ocommie, is letting out of prison?

  6. His jaw never returned back to shape after he started to pull his mouth over his head.
    It’s laughable because he set a record for using the word “nigger” in a movie.
    I hate this puke and I hope this boycott will result in his demise.

  7. I always go back to the statement made in the late sixties by the comedy group The Firesign Theatre: “Tales of the working class told by rich Hollywood stars”. You can add dipshit directors/producers in that group of retards.

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