Philippines: Duterte Says ‘Spare No One’ as Islamic State Beheads Police Chief, Stages Mass Prison Break – IOTW Report

Philippines: Duterte Says ‘Spare No One’ as Islamic State Beheads Police Chief, Stages Mass Prison Break


Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has threatened to expand a 60-day state of emergency in southern Mindanao to the whole country should the Maute group, a terrorist organization that has pledged allegiance to the Islamic State (ISIS), expand its killing spree beyond the island.

Duterte, who arrived home from an abbreviated trip to Russia Wednesday, elaborated on the implications of martial law on the island. The president suspended the writ of habeas corpus and announced that police would no longer require a warrant on the island to arrest anyone suspected of being a member of the terrorist group.

“Checkpoints will be allowed. Searches will be allowed. Arrest without a warrant will be allowed in Mindanao,” Duterte explained. “And I do not need to secure any search warrant or a warrant of arrest. If you are identified positively on the other side, you can be arrested and detained.”

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13 Comments on Philippines: Duterte Says ‘Spare No One’ as Islamic State Beheads Police Chief, Stages Mass Prison Break

  1. Med Duterte are going to become more and more popular as more “civilized” leaders prove themselves to be completely useless in protecting the public from the barbarians inside the gates.

  2. “… has threatened …”?

    Don’t threaten … promise. Most sadistic murderers (I’m guessing, here) laugh at threats.
    Better yet, say nothing (as forewarned is forearmed) and systematically eradicate the disease.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Whatever we think, Duterte is apparently getting results with the drug lords.

    If Mexico ever frees itself from the ruling Cartels it will have to be by similar methods.
    Identify the enemy, shoot the enemy, repeat.

    Duterte is saying he will treat militant Islam like a Zombie Outbreak.

  4. Battling commies, muzzies, and China. He painted himself into a corner with China. The U.S. left missed an opportunity to tie Russia to the upheaval. Duterte was in Moscow when he cut the trip short. Trump has an opportunity.

  5. He’s squirrelly. But stay off the man’s lawn and he won’t be a problem. Islam has been a problem in the PI, Indonesia, Malaysia, even that one teeny country above Australia that I forget the name of.

  6. So Duterte is fighting hard against Islamic terrorists in the Philipines? Well, that explains all the negative press he is getting here from the MSM. That and the fact that he dissed the glorious Barack Obama (piss be upon him)

  7. This is the same guy that told his citizens it’s OK to kill drug dealers on sight – he was talking to citizens, not the police.

    I believe some shit will go down against Moslems there.

    I support him and his efforts against the insurrectionists within his borders. He’s looking pretty no-shit sane to me.

  8. I posted earlier without reading comments first – it helps me be straight-up with my posts.

    I agree with Rufus T Firefly May 25, 2017 at 1:37 pm , obviously.

    You rock, dude.

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