Philly Archbishop Chaput: ‘No Such Thing as an LGBTQ Catholic’ – IOTW Report

Philly Archbishop Chaput: ‘No Such Thing as an LGBTQ Catholic’

Breitbart: Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput told the synod of bishops in Rome Thursday that in the Catholic tradition there is no such thing as an “LGBTQ Catholic,” as if people’s sexual proclivities determine their identity as persons.

“There is no such thing as an ‘LGBTQ Catholic’ or a ‘transgender Catholic’ or a ‘heterosexual Catholic,’ as if our sexual appetites defined who we are,” Chaput said, “as if these designations described discrete communities of differing but equal integrity within the real ecclesial community, the body of Jesus Christ.”

The archbishop was not denying that some Catholics experience attraction to persons of the same sex. He was reacting to a passage of the working document of the synod of bishops, which he found to be unfaithful to the Catholic view of the human person.

“Some LGBT youths, through various contributions that were received by the General Secretariat of the Synod, wish to ‘benefit from greater closeness’ and experience greater care by the Church,” the text states.

In his address, Chaput stressed that Christians do not compartmentalize believers as if sexual attraction were constitutive of a person’s identity.

“This has never been true in the life of the Church, and is not true now,” the archbishop said. “It follows that ‘LGBTQ’ and similar language should not be used in Church documents, because using it suggests that these are real, autonomous groups, and the Church simply doesn’t categorize people that way.” read more

13 Comments on Philly Archbishop Chaput: ‘No Such Thing as an LGBTQ Catholic’

  1. Amen Bro, I mean Padre.

    People are children of God, who happen to be married, unmarried, gay, straight, a milkman, fireman, or candlestick maker. Their designation first and foremost is that they are children of God. Other designations are superfluous and distracting.


    The Church has been under assault from within. This site is a great place to go when the faithful are confused about what it means to be a faithful Catholic who is ready to leave The Church and wants an opinion that is not from those within and from outside The Church who are hell bent on destruction of our institutions.

    Fornthebfaithful to lave is what “they” have been working toward for decades and it is a pernicious draw, to avoid being manipulated into that which they who not only don’t have your interests at heart,takes understanding of what they are after. They have claimed another foot soldier if you fall into that trap takes an understanding of what has been going on and what their motivation is is quite valuable if you want to avoid that mistake.

    Democrats use people and institutions to advance their political aspirations. The Demicrat Party fought the Civil War in order to continue to use slaves for their own financial ends, today exploitation of the weak is what motivates their focus on cultivating victim classes. They are glutinous, avaricious exploiters of anyone and any thing that they think they can use to advance toward their goals, always have been.

    Once you refuse to concede good intentions to them it starts to make sense. There is not an altruistic bone in the body of the progressive movement leadership’s body. Think about it, everything about the political worldview they prescribe has been tried before and not only has it been found wanting, it has created one hell on earth after another. This cannot be done out of ignorance. The evidence is in and it is unequivocal.

  3. You’d think Catholicism would have a much better grasp on reality, at least they always said they did, God Bless you Sister Phister and Father Don’t,,
    The evidence is in and it is unequivocal. Right,,sure it is.

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