Philly’s long history of corruption includes judge convicted of bribery to cast fraudulent ballots – IOTW Report

Philly’s long history of corruption includes judge convicted of bribery to cast fraudulent ballots

Just The News: Even as members of the mainstream media largely dismiss concerns about possible voter fraud, they are ignoring Philadelphia’s long history of endemic political corruption.

Less than six months ago, for example, a former Philadelphia Judge of Elections pled guilty and was convicted for his role in accepting bribes to cast fraudulent ballots and certify false voting results during the 2014, 2015, and 2016 primary elections.

Domenick J. Demuro, 73, Judge of Elections for Philadelphia’s 39th Ward, 36th Division, pled guilty during a sealed proceeding on March 16 before U.S. District Judge Paul S. Diamond to conspiring to deprive persons of civil rights, and using interstate facilities in aid of bribery.

The U.S. Department of Justice provided this summary of Demuro’s crimes in a May 21 press release announcing his conviction:

“During his guilty plea hearing, Demuro admitted that while serving as an elected municipal Judge of Elections, he accepted bribes in the form of money and other things of value in exchange for adding ballots to increase the vote totals for certain candidates on the voting machines in his jurisdiction and for certifying tallies of all the ballots, including the fraudulent ballots. Demuro further admitted that a local political consultant gave him directions and paid him money to add votes for candidates supported by the consultant, including candidates for judicial office whose campaigns actually hired the consultant, and other candidates for various federal, state and local elective offices preferred by that consultant for a variety of reasons. Demuro also admitted that the votes he added in exchange for payments by the political consultant increased the number of votes fraudulently recorded and tallied for the consultant’s clients and preferred candidates, thereby diluting the ballots cast by actual voters.” 

“This defendant abused his office by engaging in election fraud for profit,” Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of DOJ’s criminal division said in the press release. 

“Demuro fraudulently stuffed the ballot box by literally standing in a voting booth and voting over and over, as fast as he could, while he thought the coast was clear,” added U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania William M. McSwain. “This is utterly reprehensible conduct.”

The political consultant who allegedly bribed Demuro was Michael Ozzie Myers, a former U.S. congressman who was charged in July with conspiring to violate voting rights. 

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4 Comments on Philly’s long history of corruption includes judge convicted of bribery to cast fraudulent ballots

  1. The members of the Russian politburo and their families lived inside the Kremlin, (Russian for “fortress”), and high party officials in heavily guarded apartment buildings. These new would-be overlords live in condos while threatening our jobs, homes and families by putting Trump supporters on enemy lists and recommending we be sent to reeducation camps.

  2. No, money is not the root of all evil. Nothing wrong with money. I’d prefer to have a bit more of it. It’s the love of money (above greater love for more important things) that is the root of all evil.

    It pairs with love of power over more important things. A choice of correct priorities. Not gaining a bigger piece of the world and losing your soul doing it.


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