Phones Kill/Hurt More Than Guns! – IOTW Report

Phones Kill/Hurt More Than Guns!

STOP using your phone while driving, For God’s sake.

The Blaze – The irony is that while half of the country is crying for gun control as an end-all solution for all violence, we don’t hear a quarter as much calling for a solution to the 5000 dead from irresponsible use of cell phones behind the wheel. While we may not all agree on gun control, I would think the majority of Americans believe wounding and/or killing someone through cell phone use is not okay.

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6 Comments on Phones Kill/Hurt More Than Guns!

  1. I ride a motorcycle for fun and amusement. It is a different sort, sort of tall. So I can see into other cars quite well.

    You people are phinger phucking your ISlabs at the dismissal of what is going on outside of your hurtling cage of air bag wrapped steel.

    I may start to take umbrage at this, when you attempt to kill me because you can’t maintain your lane. Or stop at red lights. Or pull into the roadway without looking.

    Because you are enamored of that little box of tech that seems to validate your existence.

    I really can’t promise I won’t shoot if you threaten my existence because you can’t be bothered to actually look outside your vehicle while you are driving it.

    Tell your friends!

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