PHOTO: NY road sign changed to ‘Crooked Hillary’ – IOTW Report

PHOTO: NY road sign changed to ‘Crooked Hillary’

American Thinker:

Some people still aren’t tired of thinking about Crooked Hillary.

The moniker used by Donald Trump during the campaign — and Maxine Waters asserts was cooked up by Vladimir Putin himself — appeared on a New York road sign after a vandal defaced an exit sign to Crooked Hill Rd.



15 Comments on PHOTO: NY road sign changed to ‘Crooked Hillary’

  1. Isn’t the name of Crooked Hill Road bad enough? I wonder just how crooked that road is? If they want a narrow crooked road take the so called road in name only between Nez Perce and Kamiah, Id., talk about a scary, very narrow, almost one lane dirt road on the back side of a very large hill with no guardrail and a sheer cliff and a dropoff of at least a 1000-2000 vertical feet to the right side. I only drove that road once thinking it might be a shortcut, never again, it scared the hell out of me. It’s even worse than Rattlesnake Grade South of Lewiston, Id. on the way down to the Wallowa valley in NE Oregon. My wife hated that road because she was always on the right side closest to the edge of going over and tumbling down some very nasty canyons. I couldn’t drive slow enough down that grade for her and believe me there are some real nasty, narrow curves and tight switchbacks of 10-15 mph. Beautiful and very isolated country down in the Blue Mountains but a terrible road to get down to Enterprise, Oregon and the Wallowa valley.

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