Photographer Slams ‘Today’ Show For Editing Pic of Lia Thomas – IOTW Report

Photographer Slams ‘Today’ Show For Editing Pic of Lia Thomas

(Headline USA) A photographer who attended the NCAA women’s swimming championships last week said she was “disappointed” that the Today show edited one of her pictures of transgender swimmer Lia Thomas.

A side-by-side of photographer Erica Denhoff’s original picture of Thomas and the picture Today used in its broadcast revealed that Today edited Thomas’s features to soften them, likely in an attempt to make Thomas appear more feminine. Denhoff said it was obvious this editing was “intentional.”

“It’s really important as photojournalists that we transmit authentic photos that have not been altered,” she told the Washington Examiner. “I pride myself on providing authentic images as a photojournalist.”

When she first saw her image on the Today show, Denhoff said “I thought something was honestly wrong with the video.” more

16 Comments on Photographer Slams ‘Today’ Show For Editing Pic of Lia Thomas

  1. Calling him a she/her while also referencing a co-ed swimming team as an all women’s swimming team is not unlike altering your mind to have you believe a woman can have a dick. It didn’t start with a photo.

  2. The photographer should sue the Today show. Of course, I don’t know if licensing to use a photo means you can alter it in any way, but it should be stipulated that you cannot.

    Anyway, sue them and make them suffer for their ‘wokeness’.

  3. The only thing that will stop this insanity is if ALL the opposing teams refuse to participate in any meet where this jackass competes. Of course, we are talking about college students, so not likely.

  4. To get the real skinny on the cheat, some journo could probably sneak into his shower stall and get a picture of his weiner, and do it soon before the hormones shrink it to the size of mouse’s dick.


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