Photos Leaked of Horrific January 6 Prisoner Abuse – IOTW Report

Photos Leaked of Horrific January 6 Prisoner Abuse

A NATIONAL DISGRACE: Photos Leaked of Horrific January 6 Prisoner Abuse – Tortured 5 Months in Isolation in a Closet Room with Light on and a Bucket for a Toilet — Where are the ACLU, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch?

GP: January 6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel has been held in prison without trial now since January 2021.

During his two-and-a-half years without trial Ryan has been moved around to 17 different facilities. Ryan has been beaten, abused, tortured, and neglected since his arrest in January 2021.

Earlier this week The Gateway Pundit received exclusive photos from Ryan Samsel’s prison cell at the FDC in Philadelphia. The cell was a size of a closet with a light on all of the time. The cell had a thin blue mattress, no sheets or blankets, no clothing, and he was kept here for five months straight.

The photos are just shocking. This is taking place in America today. This is who we are.

Ryan told The Gateway Pundit in a conversation this week, “I was kept in … a hard cell. And in that particular cell about five, six months. I even told you what was happening is the judge was actually calling, trying to get in contact with me because I wasn’t in a named cell. They were missing me and they were saying I wasn’t showing up to court. They were saying I wasn’t showing up to medical. But they were pretty much keeping me in there… Like I said, it was cold, the light was on, there’s zero window. And that followed me from Virginia. When I was in Virginia, it was the same exact conditions.” more

50 Comments on Photos Leaked of Horrific January 6 Prisoner Abuse

  1. How many times, over the last few years, have we said to ourselves,”That could never happen here”?

    Contrast this with the massive coverage, and requisite number of rolling heads, of Abu Ghraib prison. How could human beings be treated like this, so where are you assholes now?

    And all the so-called good guys on our side know about this, all of it, the illegal detainment, no due process, no access to legal representation, and the horrible conditions, they all know it but can’t be bothered.

  2. Pray, pray, please pray for him and all the others. Pray God’s peace, pray God’s mercy on him. Pray God will stand no more of this injustice.

    This makes me sorry I ever put on my country’s uniform. And it makes mock of “USA! USA! USA!”

  3. Please print out this story and mail it with a handwritten note, or cut and past it to email and send it ASAP to both your own reps and to members of the Freedom Caucus and ask them what they are doing about this heinous and illegal treatment of Americans. Shame. Shame. Shame.

    The bubble dwellers in gov’t need to know, with no ambiguity, that we know.

  4. ^^^^ I think we need to separate our country and the principles by which it stands, from the rabid heathen dogs that currently run it. Yes, it’s not easy. I can be totally ashamed of the image my country embodies now and still hold affection for the nobility and goodness by which it was founded.

  5. The DOJ and the FBI under joey and the democraps have become the American version of the Gestapo and the KGB. I agree with Abigail Adams and Rich Taylor, pray like we’ve never prayed before that God will deliver us from these evil bastards that are currently running/ruining this country and trying to turn us into a turd world commie shithole.

  6. That’s a f’n mop gloset. Are we supposed to buy this? Jail cells don’t have exposed electric receptacles. Not buying it.
    If indeed this is real, there is a tree that is in desperate need of water.

  7. “Why isn’t there an internationally body trying to step in and stop this?”

    And which international body would you cede authority to, the ICC, the United Nations, or that dopey International Court of Justice in The Hague?

    They all like what Biden is doing because it weakens us as a nation and de-legitimizes our authority throughout the world.

  8. Rich Taylor

    Hey Rich, Your dumb ass is an my ass like a soiled diaper. Keep fucking around ass hole. In the long run, might makes right. Pick any international body you want ass hole. Try Amnesty International for started dick face. You’re about to piss me off. I wouldn’t do that. Now, say something clever pussy.

  9. Please explain to me how Amnesty International is going to “step in and stop this”, that is what you said, right? Would I welcome them getting involved, of course? You start the petition and I will sign it.

    “Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument.”

    Is that clever enough for you?

  10. So what your saying is you don’t think these people are being treated unjustly. And your also saying nothing came from the WWII Nuremberg Trials. The Manila Massacre was understandable. Here’s one for you, check out the UN’s Basic Principles for treatment of prisoners, General Assembly resolution 45/111.
    I’d prefer you no longer address me. I don’t like you.

  11. Ya’ll can take this how ya want, I don’t care. There’s a phrase that has bounced around for a long time….The South will rise again.

    I’ve never taken that phrase to mean a return to Antebellum times (and all that entails) nor do I think it regional, but more of a return of an attitude of fuck you, we’re doing it our way, and we’ll fight you for it.

    I think that attitude is returning, albeit at a snail’s pace. How that scenario plays out is anyone’s guess, but there will be a reckoning.

  12. “So what your saying is you don’t think these people are being treated unjustly”

    Crickey, you sound just like Cathy Newman.

    “I’d prefer you no longer address me”

    I understand, it can be uncomfortable for you when asked to explain yourself. But I will honor the request, can you do the same for me?

  13. does anyone know why Trump just didn’t blanket-pardon anyone in the J6 crowd while he could have done so? … or can’t he have done so?

    … no conjecture please, reasonable explanations or facts
    thank you

  14. In a lot of ways, Brad….we are. And I’d be willing to wager you that sentiment extends beyond our national borders. I think the average human being wants the same basic things and that the powers that be tend to fuck things up for the average person. Like I said, it’s an attitude, and it should be harnessed.


    That’s bothered me too. When did the trials begin? I don’t remember. If he was out of office, I’m not sure he could have. If he was in office…I dunno. Some stupid procedure we don’t know about?

  16. I think Trumps the only savior of our country. Some here don’t. Mean while it’s being reported that weak sister RDS has once again changed course. His handlers have told him to attack the injun and defend Trump during the debates. Are you kidding me? Does this weak ass pussy have a thought of his own, or just do what his donors and wife tell him to do. No way this weak bitch should be in the White House.

  17. I don’t know, a sitting governor vs a man who is up against what, 107 counts that could land him in prison for 591 years?
    A man who was about to “release the Kraken” again Monday but just chickened out because why NOT keep proof of election fraud secret?

    I tell you who is weak here…

  18. The doller, M’c Burders & staying out of prison. Otherwise Fox News orange man cares little bout everything else. The word is he is terrified to debade Chris Christy. His report is now a piss in the wind, never had a shread of proof, only more lies. Now after trash-talking the J6 judge he’s asking for a 3 yr court date. That will never happen, she might even up his J 2nd trial date.

  19. I agree Farm wife.
    It sounded like a knee-jerk reaction when I first heard of it.
    I get he’s under a ton of pressure but it would likely backfire.
    The MSM wouldn’t have reported anything damning anyway.

    He needs to have the Atlanta BS moved to federal court.

  20. I suspect that at least a fair amount of evidence that Trump will show is included in this video. It is from “Silk” (of Diamond and Silk) and is about 17 minutes long. Silk only talks for the first few seconds to introduce the video which documents a whole lot of election fraud including in GA. If you haven’t seen evidence yet, this video will show a lot of factual evidence that the MSM won’t discuss.

  21. Well, George, quite frankly we are not praying to a deity, but to THE Deity, El Elohim, the Creator of everything. Because this country, Unitedstates, is under His judgement, He is the only one who can remedy this situation, but we will have to turn from lawlessness first.

    The “deities” you speak of, Moloch, Milcom, Ishtar, and Baal, are powerless to do anything but draw you away from the Creator. The only way this situation(s) is going to be corrected is if we repent and return to Him. Failure to do so will assure continued judgement.

  22. This is what the putrifying flesh of KKKJoe Biden is creating in America. He treats his illegal trafficked seks slaves better than this. As for the Repub Party, I’m done with them too.

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