Every time I see an article with photos of the graceful First Lady Melania Trump I can’t help but laugh when I think of how the LSM spent so much time trying to convince us that the beefy Michelle 0bama and her horrid clown attire were so beeaaaaauuuutiful.

Such an awful ugly human being.
I know I won’t see it around here but will women adopt the Melania signature ‘coat draping’ to look as fabulous as FLOTUS?
Linebacker arms are so last year.
The press corps gotta be saving money on bananas. is that racists? Fuck that woman.
Illustr8r — “linebacker arms are so year.” lol! Yeah, that fad went way past its pull date. Seeing women (most of them in media) going sleeveless in the middle of winter. It was like seeing all the guys schlepping around in their basketball shorts with socks and sandals in the middle of winter, insisting they aren’t cold. I don’t know. Bare legs are nice in summer or on vacation in the tropics, but I hope women’s hosiery make a comeback, too.
It’s so fun to hear FLOTUS Melania speak. I pretty much have her pronunciation of “My husband” down. So sweet.
Now I can look at a first lady and not worry about seeing a misplaced bulge. That shit was nightmare inducing.
Bare Breast are even better ladies. Just sayen.
Santa’s sporting Wood, can you blame him ?
Do I have to be a small Child to get in on this ?
Christmas is back again, SUCK it Mooch!!!!!!!
I must be cynical. I keep expecting her to do something classless like drop and ‘F’ bomb in a school, or have a nip-slip in church. But she keeps letting me down by not letting me down. Her predecessor set the bar pretty low, and MT is picking it back up again.
Melania Trump actually likes children. o was so impressed when she visited a children’s hospital ib France and spoke French to the delight of the children. It is a treat to have her for the First Lady
She iis the greatest upgrade in American history!
I won’t have it!
She should know better why we voted for her as First Lady!!!
I need to be told what I’m doing wrong! I need to be lectured on equality and in what to eat!
AbigailAdams DECEMBER 9, 2017 AT 12:02 AM
Illustr8r — “linebacker arms are so year.” lol! Yeah, that fad went way past its pull date. Seeing women (most of them in media) going sleeveless in the middle of winter. I don’t know. Bare legs are nice in summer or on vacation in the tropics, but I hope women’s hosiery make a comeback, too.”
We have a bunch of news readers here who have arms like Brutus. And I agree 100% with stockings coming back. There are some very ugly legs in hollywood that could use a lot of help. HD tv shows a lot of mustaches too.
MT keeps her knees crossed when wearing skirts.
MO wasn’t able to cross her legs.
Am I lyin’?
Proud Again American