Photos: Salute To America – IOTW Report

Photos: Salute To America

President Donald J. Trump, addresses his remarks at the Salute to America event Thursday, July 4, 2019, at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. 

See all the photos at The White House Flickr account.

14 Comments on Photos: Salute To America

  1. Photoshopped, all photoshopped, according to the left. Except for The Hill, which vomited up this narrative:

    “Pro- and anti-Trump crowds endure DC storms for Trump’s ‘Salute to America”

    You see, half of that undeniably huge crowd was anti-trump.

  2. The MAN loves this Country and he loves seeing the jets and bombers doing flyovers……… How could one not love President Donald J. Trump????

  3. Did President Trump attempt to collect $11 from each participant as Louis (Calypso Gene) Farrakhan did at the “Million Man March?”

    Inquiring minds want to know!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Tanks alot President Trump!
    (That should cause Libtard Larry’s head to explode)

  5. Just keep in mind that if Crooked Hillary, the Obamboozler and their Complicit, Knee-Pad Propaganda News Media had gotten their way, this year’s Independence Day wouldn’t have been nearly the same and you certainly would have never seen that fantastic (and genuine) Trump speech!
    The Gay flag would be flying high in Washington DC, First Amendment Rights would have already been curtailed, Racial Division would be even worse, Liberal Activist Judges would be rubber-stamping everything the Socialist State ever wanted while Crooked Hillary and the Obamboozler would be waving to us from Air Force One saying “Isn’t it cute how they have to obey the law?”


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