Phrases, Words and Expressions That Need To Die After the Stroke of Midnight Tonight – IOTW Report

Phrases, Words and Expressions That Need To Die After the Stroke of Midnight Tonight

We’ll give you until midnight to “get your freak on” with phrases that have passed their expiration date.

I actually saw a blog headline the other day that said “you go girl.” I was stunned. That phrase is not at all “awesome sauce.” (There’s a current commercial that still uses this phrase.) Please, someone “kill it with fire.” And while you’re at it, kill “kill it with fire” with fire.

What else ya got?

And don’t say, “what else ya got?,” smartass.


185 Comments on Phrases, Words and Expressions That Need To Die After the Stroke of Midnight Tonight

  1. So far I think we can appoint illustr8r to be czar of forbidden phrases. So far they all get enthusiastic concurrence from me.
    (“Enthusiastic concurrence” will make next year’s list as I use the shit out of it in 2015.)

  2. “Perfect.”

    When you have finally made your selection from the menu and the waiter says this, like it’s the most outstanding choice anyone has ever made and fellow diners should clammer to be as astute as you. Maybe this is a left coast thing?

  3. Local phrase. 12th Man or 12s (Seahawk’s fans)

    So many fair-weather fans who never wore a football jersey until the Seahawks looked like they were on the road to the Super Bowl. Not all 12s are this- but.

    Seattle also thinks they know what it is to be rah rah football fans. I grew up in Columbus Ohio- home of the OSU Buckeyes. Game over.

  4. Keep Calm
    Carry On

    The original phrase is outstanding especially if you know the history and story behind it. It’s been knocked off badly with new phrases-usually referring to shopping and drinking wine-and it’s on every wooden shabby chic thing you can find in upscale gift stores.

  5. ______ punches above his/her/its weight.


    Any hyphenated last name. (Didn’t we fight a war so we didn’t have to act British?)

    Let me be clear –

    That’s a great question. (When it generally isn’t!)

  6. Some of these really bother me. I usually ignore their over-use. BUT I have used:

    Kill it with fire (entirely appropriate)
    Amazing (probably)
    Perfect (sarcastically)
    Epic (because it likely was)
    “thank you so much” (because I was extra happy)
    Gotcha (because I did indeed get the point)
    “… because (insert noun.)” (because lazy. There. It was a verb)
    “# ( hashtag) anything” (because I indulge sarcasm on occasion)

    I’m not talking anymore. There. Happy in your rantiness now?

  7. Well Fur, its just that one of my favorite bands, Sister Hazel has a catchy song called Starfish.
    Forever ruined thanks to you! *sigh*
    Seriously, I had never heard that phrase before and it probably took a couple tries before I said to myself aha, that is what he means….oooooouuuugggghhh!

  8. At the end of the day, irregardless of the focus issues, I hear what you are saying, you’re looking for closure, and feel disempowered, and disenfranchised, but empower your selfie, raise awareness, game the system, and check your privilege.

  9. Photobombing.
    Not the word, but the idea that this generation thinks they invented either ruining a picture intentionally, or spotting some guy in the background looking at the camera.

    Here’s the proof they think they are unique.
    Every once in awhile you’ll see a Tumblr where some jackass posts a picture of ‘Lincoln Photobombed!!”
    Ya, it’s called someone walked into the picture. It’s been happening since the camera was invented, Slappy.

  10. “We have more work to do”

    Which 0 uses in labeling America as a failing country. Alt meaning is that he’s not done ruining America and he needs to get cracking since his term is up soon.

  11. I have only one, but I wish I could kill it with fire:

    “When did that go down?” or “It’s going down now!” meaning that some event is happening presently.

    I first heard this on a shitty TV show, like Starsky and Hutch in the early 70s when I was 10 years old and I thought is was stupid then. But it’s having some kind of demonic resurgence! I’m seeing talk show hosts and anchor babes saying it. I think Greg Gutfeld just said it the other day. They need to stop.

  12. “Racist” and “Racism”.

    “FTP” (F*ck the Police)

    “White Privilege”

    Anything 0bama says, especially “Uh”.

    “At the end of the day”–well, at the end of the day, a NEW day begins.


    Happy New Year, Sir Fur!!! I truly admire all you’ve done for the past number of years! You make this “Old Gal” smile and laugh a lot!

  13. Never heard “my smile broke up”

    GoMC, I don’t know. Maybe just fly under the radar? (See what I did there? Maybe I won’t get banned or something. Unlike being locked out of LGF, I wouldn’t be happy about that.)

    I do remember the first time I recognized the media walking in their peculiar lock step. Anything said about Reagan was easily blown off, because there aren’t many who could handle the lick-spittle press with the style he possessed.

    When it came to Clinton though.. and the scramble to find a term they could use to prove they thumbed through a thesaurus on occasion..
    Gravitas. I wished I could assume stealth form and yank the microphone away from whichever newstwinkie was spouting off at the moment.

  14. transgender person

    No, YOUR space between YOUR legs was assigned correctly during YOUR time inside YOUR mother. Call it what it is: Choosy Choppers, or Craving Crammers. There’s nothing courageous about it.

  15. RosalindJ stole mine–I despise infantilizing words and veggies is at the top but tummy, paci or anything one shortens with an “ie.” or “y” at the end. Also cannot stand (and I have said it here before) “Me and Bob are going to…” “Me and Lou will be back” It is Bob and I or Lou and I. We have become such a self important society we can’t even put other people first in our sentences.
    On top of “at the end of the day” is “that being said” and ANY variation. I guess I just want people to shut up!

  16. Sustainable.
    Anything Etsy.
    Noam sayin.
    Cisexual. (…the fuck?)
    A veritable smorgasbord (actually we need to bring that one back, just for sick laughs).

  17. Oh…

    Wait for it.
    See what I did there.
    That’s funny right there I don’t care who you are.
    Below the fold / after the jump.
    I know you are but what am I.
    I’m rubber you’re glue bounces off me sticks to you.
    What does this smell remind you of.
    Why does it hurt when I pee.
    Why is the oncoming traffic in this left lane so aggressive.
    A case of the Mondays.
    Let’s do lunch…at Applebees.
    This is the exact spot where I died.

  18. Moxie Man –
    Speaking of that extra ‘the’ … When did the other states decide to adopt the idiotic California habit of referring to all Interstate highways with an extra ‘the’? “The Ten.” I’m sorry. I don’t know which road you mean. Do you mean Interstate 10 or I-10?

  19. texas

    Not the state. “Well, she texas me and said she saw me on Facebook so I texted her back and we’re having lunch tomorrow.”

    We need a new verb for sending a text message.

    blah, blah, blah or  yada, yada, yada

    Just find the proper words and say them. I don’t believe it is that difficult.

  20. Obesity. Just heard it on the LSM. Hate the term. It varies from the 2 pound overweight person to the extremely fat 495 pounder. It doesn’t mean anything anymore. Since Moo co-opted the term, it makes me ill. Just say fat.

    I also hate the term “organically grown.”

    While I’m at it, I hate the term “natural food.” It means nothing.

  21. ‘I have no recollection’ Ya got Alzheimer’s?

    ‘Let me be _______’ insert clear, serious (for a moment – the rest of the time I’m kidding?).

    ‘Factually inaccurate’.

    ‘Without a doubt’. This one always makes me wonder (doubt).

    ‘Crackberry’ – wait, I like crackberry, I just don’t like the phone anymore.

    Happy and Healthy New Year to everyone on this great blog. I can use the health after 2014. Hope you still have yours.

  22. I hate it when middle age white women say, “you go, girl!” I hated that saying the first time I heard it now.

    I also tire when my Dallas Cowboy cheerleader dates say, “would you look at the size of that thing?” I can’t help it because I’m penile gifted. Oh, I don’t like the term “penile gifted” either.


  23. Ted Nougat,

    There was one time I heard “That’s how I roll” that turned out well.

    It was a guy that robbed a Blockbuster video store near my home.

    He was interviewed by local NBC in jail before a defense lawyer got to him.

    He killed the cooperating victims and he was asked why he did that since they gave him no resistance whatsoever – it was all on security video.

    “That’s how I roll”.

    He made it to the death chamber quicker than usual.

  24. Nice to see you Plain Jane. Happy New Year!

    It sounds like a war zone in my neighborhood right now. Hope everyone elses doesn’t.

    It’s only 12:30 here right now and I think I just heard a bullet land outside my window on something hard and noisy.

  25. Went missing.
    I didn’t come here to lose.
    In the zone.
    Outside the box.
    Take it to the next level.
    Showing what I’m made of.
    I’m late to the party.
    I’ll drive the meeting.
    Wake up, America!
    Wake up, sheeple!

  26. “Abortion rights advocate” A reprehensible act that stops the life of a baby doesn’t need defending.
    “Abortion foes” The attempt by the left to make saving babies lives a bad thing.

  27. Haha, Dadof4. That would be funny if I actually said, “Went missing.” I loathe that grammatically incorrect phrase. If you EVER hear (read) me saying that, you can kill me.

    But like a Louie Anderson routine, I will wake up 20 minutes later and realize that I was being an idiot (He had a joke once about being able to kill drivers that do stupid things but they would only be dead for 20 minutes. When they woke up they would realize that they did something stupid).

  28. It seemed a little odd, but since you weren’t here until that post it fit and then followed by declaring you weren’t here to lose, fit too. 🙂

    I hope you had a great N.Y.E., Claudia.

    May your new year be better than the last.

  29. I’m late to the party and too lazy this morning to read the other 180 or so entries to see if there’s a duplication, but I’m sick to death of hearing “boots on the ground”. They’re soldiers, for God’s sake. Please quit depersonalizing them.

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