‘While antibodies are a measure of your immunity, they’re not the only ones. You can test negative for antibodies and still have immunity… The antibodies may go away but you still have immunity in your body, and some people don’t need to make antibodies...’
New York Physician Assistant Deborah Conrad says when she saw a flood of Covid-19 vaccine adverse events in the ER at the hospital where she worked, her superiors discouraged her from reporting them to the federal database VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System).
Yeah. No shit. You can’t have people knowing the shit is poison, and you can’t make money with healthy people walking past your doors.
There is absolutely nothing legitimate about any of this, not the least of which is immunity from liability granted by government officials who have been actively colluding to withhold vital information from the public as well as legitimate research scientists
Now they’re going to kill babies and parents are okay with that. I had someone argue with me they don’t know what they’re doing so parents can’t be blamed. Bullshit, you do your homework before you allow your children to have something injected into them.
The doctors who are pushing the vaccine mandate and covering up the adverse reactions are EVIL. And, sadly, it seems most doctors are evil. Pure evil. So much for, “First, do no harm”.